Saturday, February 12, 2011
Broken Arms, Dogs and Firetrucks.....
Posted by Kate at 12:43 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
GA Snow = GA shuts down!!!
Posted by Kate at 10:54 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Family is what matters most!
One of the things that I've realized this past year is that friends come and go. Friends who I thought were friends weren't. My BEST friend, my husband, is the most important friend and the only friend I should really care about. I realized that my mom is one of my best friends and I'm so blessed to have her. I've realized that it doesn't matter what others think of me, but it does matter what my children think of me and how I raise them. I realized that I need to go to church for spiritual reasons, not social reasons. DUH. It's hard for me, however, sometimes to go when I don't have any friends there. Shallow, but true. It's hard when you feel invisible to everyone around you except your children. But, how blessed I am to have 3 wonderful children to think I'm the world.
So, is this a poor me blog? Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe it's a poor me/ lucky me post. :) Poor me b/c I'm sad about a lot of things, but lucky me that I'm so blessed in my life. We aren't rich in money, but Travis has job he loves and he HAS a job! I get to stay home with my girls and not worry about someone else raising them! Of course, it might be nice to have someone else to blame if they act up. ha ha. just kidding. I'll take the blame if I can have the time and memories with them!!
I'm sad my parents are having a lot of health issues, but I'm so lucky to have them, be great friends with them and live close by to them so that my children can have the experience of grandparents. My parents love my kids and play with them almost ever day.
I have the true gospel of Jesus Christ in my life, which is priceless beyond measure. He comforts me when I'm low and I know I am loved.
As the holiday season comes to a close, I realize that all in all, I'm more than blessed. I need to be nicer to myself and believe in myself the way my husband and children do. My resolutions are pretty much the same as they are every year! I need to make my life body, my mind and my spirit. I need to make sure I continue to cultivate relationships with my children, husband, parents and siblings. I need to love myself more.....which is the hardest part! Hopefully if I strive to do the other things, this will come along with it!
So, I'm going to post some recent (and not so recent) pictures of my blessings. They are what life is all about.

My awesome, fun parents!

Posted by Kate at 8:40 PM 8 comments
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Halloween 2009

Posted by Kate at 8:04 PM 2 comments
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Cousins, fair, and dancing
Posted by Kate at 4:24 PM 3 comments