Rylin Grant Jarrard
was born on Friday, March 20, 2009 at 3:27AM at Northside Forsyth Hospital. Her due date was April 5th, so she was almost 3 weeks early. She weighed 6 pounds 13 oz. and was 19 1/4 inches long. She has lots of black hair like Travis and the normal slate-blue baby eyes. She is so tiny!! Addyson seems so huge to me now. She's a really good baby and is the sweetest thing. We all just want to gobble her up.
Me in the delivery room the night I delivered Rylin.

This is either before or after my epidural...I can't remember!

Travis was listening to the NCAA wrestling tournament on his computer and filling in brackets while we waited for me to dilate from a 6 to a 10.

Here she is! Her first picture taken by Daddy! Getting her lungs sucked out. She looks pretty mad.
6 pounds 13 ounces
Her First Bath...She loved getting her hair washed and combed. My kind of girl.

All clean now and Mommy gets to cuddle with her.
We are so proud!

Me, Rylin, Dr. Angela Nix, and my good friend Emily Slaugh who was the nurse who helped deliver Rylin. It was so great having a friend there with me the entire time, and Dr. Nix was there a lot too. I lucked out!!

All clean now and Mommy gets to cuddle with her.

Me, Rylin, Dr. Angela Nix, and my good friend Emily Slaugh who was the nurse who helped deliver Rylin. It was so great having a friend there with me the entire time, and Dr. Nix was there a lot too. I lucked out!!
We are all dead tired....I think this was taken at 4:00AM or close to it.
Our little Sweet Pea.
Travis texting everyone to let them know she had arrived...it was too early to call you all!

Our sweet Sydney holding her tiny baby sister. She was soooo excited to hold her!
Addyson was so sweet and didn't want to let Rylin go.
Sydney and Rylin

Addyson, Kate, Sydney, Rylin

The Family!
Addyson, Kate, Sydney, Rylin & Travis....is he outnumbered or what!?


Rylin had some more visitors!
Thanks you guys for coming to see us! It made me feel loved.
Lazette kept my girls the entire time! She was such a blessing to us.

Andrea came by to snuggle Rylin too!