Saturday, March 15, 2008

100 reason I love Travis...there are more, but 100 is a lot for a blog post!

I haven't blogged in a while...we've been so busy, I just haven't made the time. But, today was one of those days that I just had to brag about my wonderful husband, Travis. Sydney and Addyson were supposed to have an Easter egg hunt today in our neighborhood, but because of the storms it got cancelled. We weren't sure if it would be cancelled, though, b/c the storms had cleared up, so we went tot he clubhouse only to find a sign cancelling the event. Sydney was so incredibly sad about this. Travis, however, was a quick thinker. He rushed out of the car, and I purposefully took my time getting the girls out of the car. Meanwhile Travis had gotten chocolate eggs out of the pantry and run upstairs to stuff and hide plastic eggs all over the upstairs. By the time we got inside and got our shoes off and dinked around a little bit, Travis came downstairs and told Sydney that someone had snuck into our house and left something for her and Addyson. Sydney ran upstairs and was so excited that the Easter bunny had known her Easter egg hunt was cancelled and didn't want her to be sad, so he came and hid eggs for her. She was so excited and happy, and it just made my heart melt that Travis was so in tune with Sydney's feelings that he did that. I love you honey, and that was so sweet today.
So, if you have time...please read this list of things that I love about my "hunk-a-hunk-of-burnin'-love".

1. He’s funny.
2. He’s smart
3. He’s good looking
4. He loves me more than anything or anyone else.
5. I love him more than I thought I could ever love.
6. He loves the gospel of Jesus Christ
7. He loves our girls
8. He plays with our girls.
9. Our girls love him and get so excited to see him or talk to him on the phone.
10. I don’t get bored with him.
11. He’s a great coach and teacher.
12. He’s one of the hardest working people I’ve ever met.
13. He has integrity.
14. He’s honest.
15. He can fix things.
16. He’s got great eyes and lips.
17. He’s got great hair too!
18. He’s a great kisser!
19. He’s a very good budgeter.
20. He can calm me like no other.
21. We have never had a fight and this is due to him.
22. He’s extremely trustworthy.
23. He’s goofy.
24. He will watch my shows with me…most of the time.
25. He’s sensitive about my sensitivity.
26. He loves sports.
27. He’s competitive.
28. He is so great with teenagers.
29. He’s not hairy.
30. He thinks I’m hot and tells me daily.
31. He helps me keep things in perspective.
32. He’s cool.
33. He gave me a high-five after our “first date” as not to make the “at t he door” moment awkward.
34. He just “gets” me.
35. He’s my best friend.
36. He’s the best friend I’ve ever had or will ever have.
37. He wants to be with me forever.
38. I want to be with him forever.
39. I sleep better when he’s in bed with me.
40. He loves my parents.
41. My parents love him.
42. He loves his parents.
43. He likes animals.
44. He doesn’t care if we ever go camping.
45. He’s not materialistic.
46. He has a GREAT memory.
47. He pays attention to details.
48. He remembers the character’s names in my shows b/c I never do.
49. He doesn’t make excuses for anything.
50. He has a terrific and admirable work ethic.
51. He’s a walking encyclopedia for any sports fact or statistic you can think of.
52. He has a photographic memory.
53. When he makes a commitment, he always sees it through.
54. He not only likes sports, but he’s good at them too.
55. He’s a great speaker and motivator.
56. He never complains about “home” stuff.
57. He’s tough and could kick someone’s butt if necessary.
58. He’s always early to things or exactly on time.
59. He helps me so much with the girls.
60. I never had to change a diaper while we were in the hospital after each girl was born.
61. He can find humor in bad situations and make me laugh or the girls laugh when we are sad.
62. He’s extremely knowledgeable about politics, government and the world around us.
63. He’s very confident in himself.
64. He makes me so much better of a person than I was before I met him.
65. He handles all of our finances.
66. He sets and achieves goals.
67. He’s always thinking ahead to the future.
68. He stands up for what he knows is right.
69. He makes me feel secure by providing so well for me and the family
70. He makes me feel secure because he is always loyal and faithful
71. He loves to be at home with me and the girls.
72. He is self-controlled
73. He is sensible
74. He loves to read.
75. He’s silly
76. I love him more than I did the day I married him
77. Things are easier to decide if I can talk to him
78. I love sharing my life with him. If I go somewhere I like or see a movie I like, etc. I want him to be the one to share it with me.
79. When he walks through the door after he gets off work, I feel automatically more at ease.
80. Our girls look like him.
81. He does stuff with the girls I won’t do, like jumping in HUGE mud puddles.
82. He grills the best steaks I’ve ever eaten!
83. I never have to worry about him leaving us.
84. I never have to worry about him not having a job.
85. He thinks I’m funny.
86. He thinks he’s funny.
87. He loves going to the temple.
88. He’s a kid at heart.
89. He thinks I’m sexy, even in the morning when I think I look gross.
90. He likes my cooking.
91. He’s low maintenance.
92. He’s not jealous.
93. He loves me despite of all my imperfections.
94. He knows that God guided us to each other.
95. He likes to be busy achieving something.
96. He listens to me.
97. He respects me.
98. He respects himself.
99. He knows when to talk and when to be quiet.
100. He strives everyday to make me happy.


Natalie said...

Awww... I like #48! You are awesome, Travis!

Rachel said...

What a sweet husband!!

Anonymous said...

You see the thing that Kate always fails to mention when she is bragging about me or something that I am, is I am those things because of her. Many of my friends would look at that list and think that she is crazy. She isn't, it's just I am that way because I want to do everything I can to make her life easier, and to make feel special all the time. I have become these things because of kate, not for Kate. She is awsome, she is the greatest wife ever for one reason, she is so understanding. She understands everything about me and it makes it easy to be her husband and to be the things that she wants me to be. I love you Kate, you are the best wife ever.

Kate said...

Aw babe, you are so sweet. I love you Travis.

Mimi said...

You guys are adorable! It makes me wish I knew Travis better but through your blog I am getting to know him. I should write a list about my husband - I'm sure it would make me appreciate him more.

also known as shell said...

oh my gosh tears welling up in my eyes!

sherbear said...

Awww that was sweet and great quick thinking :)
And 100 things is a lot!! :)
Ours was at 10am so we got lucky :)

Angie said...

So sweet! I tryed calling you today and left a message. Call me and we can set up a play date for the kids.

Stephanie Perdue said...

Great Job! You did it! I enjoyed reading your list!

Sam Zavitz said...

That is so nice! And his comments back to you... aww... you guys are so sweet! I'm so glad we're neighbors!

MiandMiksmom said...

I love the post, and I LOVE his sweet!

Andrea said...

I'm tearing up! So sweet! I love that he gave you a hi 5 on your first date - that rocks!

Rachel Hudgins said...

Awww...get a room you two!! No seriously, very sweet and cute. For Christmas I gave Jason a list of all the reasons I love him...he cried....everyone should do this. It makes us realize just how lucky we all our to have our WONDERFUL spouses. What an awesome world it is! Love Rocks!

Jessie said...

you guys are so sweet to each other I love it!!! What a great post....

Anonymous said...

Wow! Thats amazing! I thought relationships like that only exsisted in the pages of a romance novel! You are a lucky woman! You give me hope that one day my children and I will find our perfect match! Miss chating with you! xoxo~Mandy, Mason and Lily