Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Any word but that one....

Ya know how I was horrified by Sydney saying "porn"....well, today she decided to rhyme with "bucket" and the only letter she used to rhyme with was an "F". Need I say more?? ughh.


Rachel said...

Now when did sweet little Sydney develop such a potty mouth?? That's what happens when you move away. ;-)

also known as shell said...

what kind of parents are you!!!

Mimi said...

Yikes - you wonder if it is better to ignore it and then she'll just find another word to rhyme or do we need to point out every bad word. I almost think that would make them want to say it more. Luckily - due to her Lutheran preschool - Kenna just makes up songs about Jesus right now w/out any questionable words. If you want to check out Becca's blog - go through the link Becca and Dave on my blog. It's not blocked.

Jessie said...

I am thinking that she is getting this potty mouth from her parents as well :)

Angie said...

To funny! At least she knows how to rhyme! :)

sherbear said...

Oh boy...funny but not right?

also known as shell said...

um so I'm holding a contest over on my blog. enter as many times as you'd like. but you'll need to give me your cc# and ss# with every entry.

Oh and you look hot in that swimsuit in that little sideshow on your blog. yeowza!

MiandMiksmom said...

Hee, hee...they are so innocent! Good job for her that she could even come up with a rhyming word!!!

Unknown said...

That's funny! Email me directions to your house for syd's b-day bash. We should be able to make it. Oh and love the Toad song you have on here....reminds me of High School.

Rachel Hudgins said...

Ooops! I haven't had THAT word come out in rhyming with my kids, but other bad ones. I know the horror. I just ignore them and don't draw attention to it. It seems to stick in their heads easier. Just my opinion. Just pray she doesn't make up a rhyming song and sing it in church or at preschool. Ethan made up a lovely song about coffee when he was 2 or went "coffee! coffee! I love cofee! I love to drink cofee!" Yep...he sang it in sacrament meeting, while sacrament was being passed, in a loud voice. My children have no volume control whatsoever.

Shayleen Lunt said...

That could top my daughter's rhyming word with grass.