Saturday, July 26, 2008

"Comment Me A Memory"

We are finally home for a while. We were in Virginia and then turned around as soon as we got home and went to Florida. I've been out of the blogging world for about 3 weeks. We had a lot of fun, though, and are tired in a good way. I'll post pictures as soon as I get them uploaded, but not tonight!

My friend, Natalie, had this on her blog and I thought it would be fun, so play along if you'd like. If you don't have a "sign in name" don't worry, b/c you can still comment. :)

Comment Me A Memory.....
Come on, take a moment to think. (You know you want to.)

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.
Non-related Pictures:
Addyson's hair is still SUPER SHORT, but I am finally able to get it in pigtails, so I had to post a picture of her with them!


Rachel said...

Addyson looks like a little blonde Sydney. So cute!!!

Jessi said...

When we had book club at your house I remember you set out real plates and utensils for the refreshments. I thought it was so classy. (Something I wouldn't have even considered doing!) :)

Anonymous said...

katie- I have to call you that 'cause that's how I know you. I look at your blog through Kari's. We have one too Anyway, I did this same post on mine. One of the memories I have of you is all the "talks" we had in highschool about dealing with our "body image" issues. Man those were emotionally hard days:) Your family is so cute and you look WONDERFUL- even better than you did in high school. I'm so jealous:) love ya, oh yeah- this is Michelle Robbins Wood

youreprettytoo said...

There are too many to list- but a few that stick out are having crushes on stupid boys like Fish and Platt, Spring Break in Panama City, countless sleepovers- FYI_ I don't let my kids have sleepovers- just "late-overs"- I think about some of the stuff we did and it scares me for my kids because it is only worse now. But I have a lot of fond memories of those! Anyway- love you!

Andrea said...

I remember thinking how incredibly beautiful and tan you were, and then how nice and smart you were! Ours are so much alike - I thought wow - she's nice too!?! No wonder we get along so well.

Natalie said...

The first time I really got to talk to you was at an Enrichment committee meeting and I instantly felt like we'd been friends forever and I just had to get to know you better! I had been slow at getting into that calling and feeling lonely after moving here and then met you and realized Heavenly Father had given me a calling to not be so lonely and it was my own fault that I didn't jump right into it. You were an answer to prayer! awww....xoxo!

Rachel Hudgins said...

I have too many memories to just list one....rafting in Moab, Tom Petty concert, water fight at Liberty Square that ended up breaking a water pipe, playing volleyball IN our apt., camping in Jackson & the "mad man" outside our tent, singing our hearts out to the Indigo Girls, endless talks about boys, "studying" on the 4th floor in the library...I wonder if that is still the cool floor??? Thanks for the trip down memory lane :) Love ya.

also known as shell said...

remember that time I got bbq sauce all over your car and sydney's dress... :)

love ya

Mimi said...

KT - just thinking of you brings back the greatest memories and makes me feel young! Getting a 3rd hole pierced in my ear w/you (so taboo now), giant McDonald icecream cones, laying out in the park and studying, our "Brass Monkey" Moab trip, Beastie Boys and Indigo girls, Wendover weekend - (remember how we got kicked out of one casino for being under age?), dancing in our apartment that had nothing, lying on the floor in the back corner of the apartment and talking about everything, messy rooms, red vines and carrots, the bio feedback lab, working out in the women's gym at the Smith Field house, Park City, the airport when I was leaving on my mission, and your beautiful wedding to your marvelous husband. I love you!

Stephanie Perdue said...

I left a comment weeks ago. I guess it didn't show up. I also remember sitting in your office talking about students and thinking that we could be friends. I am glad that we met and became friends. I hope you are feeling better.

Anonymous said...

Being your office assistant my junior or senior year (I dont remember which one lol). I think about all of those days I sat in your office and we talked about everything! You were probably the reason I kept my sanity! Looking back you were probably the only genuine friend who I could truly trust. You are blessed with a beautiful family! Have a great week! xoxo~Mandy