Comment Me A Memory.....
Come on, take a moment to think. (You know you want to.)

Posted by Kate at 10:09 PM 11 comments
Natalie's birthday was on July 8th and, since I was out of town and, therefore, not blogging, I thought I'd wish her a be-lated birthday. Natalie is so awesome and is such a great friend to me. The first time I saw her I thought that she would be cool to get to know, and I'm so glad that I did. She is so talented, creative and very loving. Check out her blog! Just look at my "friends with blogs" and click Natalie L. She is awesome! I love you girl!!! I hope your birthday was awesome!
Posted by Kate at 9:19 PM 2 comments
Then they had a little "campout" with Daddy after they wrestled.
They next day Sydney had a birthday party to go to that was all about ponies. She had such a great time and wanted to ride the ponies the entire time. She got at least 4 rides from the ponies, and then they got to "dress up" and feed a miniature horse and a miniature donkey. It was really cute.
Playing Dress up with the miniature horse.
Feeding the miniature Donkey.
Here is Sydney (in the middle) with her friends, Daelyn (left) and Marina (right) at their last day of their summer Princess dance class.
This is what I prefer Addyson to look like....a girl in a dress as opposed to a boy in wrestling gear. ha ha. She loves to paint. Sydney does too.
This was taken just before they started painting themselves.
Posted by Kate at 2:46 PM 11 comments