Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Super Tuesday

I'm obviously disappointed by the results of Super Tuesday with my boy, Mitt, not doing as well as I'd hoped. I know it's not over till it's over,'s looking over for Romney. It seems like in the election we'll have to vote either Democrat or Democrat-light (McCain). In good conscience, I can't vote Democratic, but I also can't vote for McCain b/c it would be the same thing. I, however, HAVE to vote because I'm a good citizen and can't complain unless I vote. It's my right as a woman and a citizen to vote and I'm ever so grateful. So, what do I do? Well, I'm going to follow Ann Colture's advice and on poll day, I will write in Mitt Romney's name on my ballot. If enough people do this, then maybe he will be the first "write-in" to win! Okay, so maybe that's WAY too far fetched to really believe, but I'm going to do it and if you're a true conservative, then maybe you'll do it as well. At least I can, in good consience, vote and vote for someone I actually believe in. I guess we'll enjoy our country as a capitalist nation until November, because, if Hillary wins, then she will do all in her power to make us a socialist country. God bless America, especially now in dark times.
(Sorry to be Debbie Downer).


Rachel Hudgins said...

I have been dying to talk to you all day. Never got around to calling you and crying in the phone about Mitt not doing so hot. What's up? Wake up America...he'd the best chance we have right now!! Love your post.

Unknown said...

It's not over yet! McCain still has to come up with delegates. Our boy could still pull it out! I'm with you on the writing his name in if he does't get the nomination! I have to vote but, none of the other candidates I could feel good about voting for. This is a great idea of writting it in! America wake up a get a clue that supporting anyone other than Mitt is just plain stupid!!! LOL Go TEAM MITT!

Mimi said...

I am so upset about the whole thing I couldn't even turn on the tv today. The whole thing literally makes me sick to my stomach. We are getting ready to pay bigger taxes, open our borders even wider, give up decent health care, and validate any kind of marriage someone wants. It is all so depressing - I can't imagine voting for McCain, Hillary, or Obama. Sad, sad, sad...

also known as shell said...

Don't you think John McCain just looks so creepy! It just makes me sick to think of a McCain/Huckabee ticket.

Jessi said...

Kate, you took the words right out of my mouth. If McCain is the republican nominee I will be sorely tempted to make a write-in vote. I just can't vote for him.