Sunday, February 17, 2008

Valentine's Day

So, I'm a little late posting about my Valentine's day.
I've never been a big fan of Valentine's day. When I was in elementary school, I loved it b/c everyone got a valentine and my Mom always had a great gift and treats for us. But then middle school hit and there was the pressure....if you had a valentine, there was pressure to get a gift...I hated that! If you didn't, then you felt like a lame-o. This lasted up until I met Travis. I hated Valentines Day. In high-school, I pretty much always had a boyfriend, but we would always fight on V-day b/c I hated the obligatory gifts! It was just a stupid holiday that the stores invented to get you to buy stupid stuff. Then it was the awkward situations when I would get a dozen or more roses from some guy at work or a "friend", and feel bad that I never even thought twice about them and then had to scramble to get them a card, so I didn't look like a jerk. Or, if I got a guy something and he didn't get me anything and I had to hide the heartbreak (not that that ever happened..). I could go on, but basically I hated the gosh-darn holiday. Then I met Travis, and the pressure was off a little b/c of wrestling season. He was busy, so it didn't really matter to him. No pressure. I liked that, and it made getting him a gift much more enjoyable.
Now, on to this past Valentine's day....this is a long post....sorry!
I was so excited about it, but it ended up being a little different than expected. I volunteered to bring in cupcakes for Sydney's class, so the night before Sydney and I were finishing up her personal Scooby Doo valentines for her classmates (she wrote all of their names and her name on all of them. I was so proud of her. It took her days, but she did it!) and making cupcakes. we made a little loaf cake for Daddy that I let Sydney decorate all by herself. When she got done, it was mostly red sprinkles and lots of chocolate-peanut better hearts. I forgot to take a picture of the finished product, but here it is in the mid-decorating phase.....
So, the night before was great! The next morning was going great too and Sydney was all dressed in her valentine outfit and looked adorable. I load everyone up in the car car was dead! Sydney was in hysterics..."MOOOMMMM what about my Scooby Doo Valentines and my cupcakes, why is the car broken, can you fix it, I have to get to school, mom fix the car, etc. etc....". I, luckily get in touch with Connie, who lives in our neighborhood and has kids that go to the same school. She picked up Syd for me...phew... then, she came and jumped the car off for me. Saved the day! So, I was able to go to my Valentine brunch with a few friends. I left th brunch to pick up Syd, parked the car to get her and get my tupperware, etc. and the car had died again. Connie saved the day again...she was in the carpool line and jumped off the car. Addyson was at my mom's, so I went to pick her up and she was taking a nap, so I turned off the car....big mistake. It was, of course, dead. Travis came home from work to get a new batter for it. It took a long time, and since he took off work to do that, he couldn't leave early like he planned, so he had to stay late at work. So, I ended up having Valentine's dinner with my parents, the girls and my grandmother. My poor mom...she went and bought this super nice dinner for all of us....lobster bisque, filet mingon, bubbly, homemade red velvet cake etc. the works! So we sit down to eat and Addyson throws a complete fit for 1/2 hour...I'm not kidding. My grandmother is freaking out because her steak is "so tough", which it wasn't....she was trying to saw through the toothpick that was keeping the bacon wrapped around the filet, Sydney was having a major sugar high b/c of all the candy and I just wanted to go home! I felt so bad for my Mom too! Her wonderful evening and meal was ruined by the crying and whining and complaining and jumping up and down. BUT, when I gave Addyson her Valentine gift she started giggling and laughing and I forgot all about the dinner disaster...well, I didn't forget, but it made me feel better. Travis got there around 7:30 and ate quickly, then we went home, opened each other's presents and went to bed. ugh. Not that Valentine's day is ever anything romantic, however, b/c it's during the end of wrestling season...during all the big tournaments, so Travis is not home and he's way stressed out. So, that was it, but for the wasn't so bad. Sydney had a great time at school and at my Mom's. I had a great time at the brunch sans kids! The food at my mom's was great and Travis got me a great gift and he liked his from, I really can't complain.
I'm completely in love with my Valentines, so the holiday is totally worth it now! :)


also known as shell said...

That was such a sweet story. That totally made me laugh out loud about your grandma and the tooth pick. Don't you just love Connie! I only knew her for like 2 days and asked if she could watch Kate for me while I ran Dallen to the Dr's.

MiandMiksmom said...

Oh my Goodness...I think I just got worn out after READING about your day! I'm glad it all turned out okay though! The dinner sounds fabulous, even with screaming kids!

Rachel Hudgins said...

Great V-day story! I am glad it turned out good in the end. I want to move closer so I can have dinner with your mom!!