Thursday, September 4, 2008

First Day of School

Sydney started pre-school on Tuesday. She has been so excited to go back to school and see her friends and have kids to play with! She is going four days a week this year from 9:00am - 1:00pm, so that is new for both of us! I'm wondering how we'll both do. She was a little clingy the first two days, but went right in without even telling me goodbye today. She's already gotten "tokens" for being a good listener, which is always good for me to hear! I'm not worried about her at all, but I was surprisingly sad when I had to say goodbye to her on Tuesday. I felt bad b/c she has scratches all over her face! She said that Addyson did it, which is probably true, but then she woke up with a new one and she must have scratched herself in her sleep. It looks like a cat got to her!

Addyson also started "school". A group of friends and I are doing a little "joyschool" for our 2 year olds two days a week. Two out of evey seven weeks, I'll teach then be the teacher's helper. The other 5 weeks, I drop her off. This was VERY hard for me, even though I know all of these gals and Addyson knows their kids. I felt almost guilty for not spending one on one time with her since Sydney is in school. But, we'll get that time on Monday's and Wednesday's, and I can't lie, it is nice to be able to lie down for a couple of hours without feeling guilty that Addyson isn't getting my attention. She has had a blast this week with her little friends and I think it will be really good for her.


Rachel Hudgins said...

Wow...preschool is long there. And all day kindergarten next year...that will be tough. Maybe I can offer some words of encouragement...but not right now. I am not enjoying the all day thing so far. But it's only the second day. I am sure my sad feelings will pass as long as E keeps enjoying himself.

also known as shell said...

I swear it wasn't my cat :)

I love that last picture of the girls. so cute. This morning when we pulled up Kate saw your car and was like "Addyson!!!"

I'm glad they are getting to be such good little friends.

MiandMiksmom said...

What a great idea to do Joyschool! It gives everyone a little break and also gives you a chance to teach Addyson and her friends! Happy First Week of Preschool Sydney!

Sam Zavitz said...

Super-duper cute pictures! Your girls are so photogenic!

I'm glad you're getting some time to yourself with Syd & Addyson in school - you deserve it!

sherbear said...

Ohh yayy for them both for starting school. Don't feel guilty at all. Becca did PreK 3 days/week but Sam is doing 5 days/week. It is good for them!!

Jessie said...

YAY!!! for preschool.... I hope that you get to enjoy that time to yourself :)

MiandMiksmom said...

Kate, it's so weird...I can't see your new post on here, but it pulls up on my Anyway, please email me or call me (803.835.0552).