Wednesday, November 19, 2008

7 Things

I have been tagged by my friend Angie to come up with 7 random things about myself that you may not know. I feel like I'm an open book, however, so this will be hard for me to think of anything "unknown".

Here it goes....

1. I used to play the piano and guitar fairly well. It's been so long, however, that I think I've completly forgotten how to play the guitar. My girls won't let me play the piano on my own, so I never get to practice that anymore. I'm going to take lessons for guitar someday and rock the house, yo!

2. If uninterrupted I could sleep for 12 hours straight any given night, and still wake up feeling like I needed more sleep, or like I've been run over by a truck, or that I'm being unnecessarily woken up. :) I would LOVE to wake up "refreshed"...just once in my life. I hear about it (from Travis especially b/c he always wakes up refreshed), but I have never experienced it. I don't know if it's due to allergies, hypoglycemia or what, but mornings totally suck for me. They are physically painful for me.

3. It's always been a secret dream of mine to be a movie star or a rock star.

4. I grew 1/2 an inch in college.

5. I was really skinny until I was 14, and then I became a bulimic and after I tried to "quit" being bulimic, I gained a lot of weight and was heavy (for me) from about 17 until I was 23. Then my metabolism finally evened out. To give you an idea...I'm 5' 51/2 " and usually weigh between 119 - 124. During the years 17 - 23 my weight fluctuated between 128 - 148!! It was craziness. Rachel H. knows all about this, though, so it's not unknown!

6. In elementary school, I was the fastest runner in my class.

7. I'm afraid of heights in a kind of insane way. If I believed in past lives, I think I must have been a bird b/c when I'm close to the edge of something extremely high (like the edge of the Grand Canyon), I have the strongest urge to run and jump off. Not b/c I want to die, but b/c my body feels like it can fly. This makes me incredibly scared of being high up b/c I don't feel like I can trust my body. I explained this once to my grandfather and he had the same exact feelings and fear that I have.....dum dum dum....

So here are the rules:*Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog. (yeah, I don't know how to do that)

*Tell seven random facts about yourself on your blog* Tag seven people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs *Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog

Ok - tag, you're it: The Rachels...Rachel D., H., J. and M., Amanda W., DeDe, Michelle W. and Sherry D.


Jessi said...

I always like learning new things about people. Thanks for sharing!

Rachel Hudgins said...

i didn't know you were a sleepaholic. I feel the same way, but it's only been since being a mom. I think it's the years of being woken up at least once a night. You should go to a sleep may sleep apnea.
Love ya

Tiffany said...

Hey Kate. I am so with you on the sleep thing. I hate the mornings and have not felt refreshed in the morning for longer then I can remember...I've often wondered the same thing - is it allergies or something metabolic? I would love for once just to feel rested and refreshed in the morning though. Thanks for sharing...interesting.

Mimi said...

So that's where you gained the 1/2 inch on me! J/K - I was 5'4 when I started college and 5'5 when I finished - go figure? Also, I look at half of my college pictures too and think - fat! But around 24/25 things finally worked themselves out too. Funny how life works like that. Hope you have a great Thanksgiving!