Friday, April 3, 2009

The "F" Word

I have been VERY careful not to use the "F" word in our house around the kids....the word is "FAT". I just don't say that word. If I have to say it around the girls, I always spell it out. You might think this is a bit odd, but I'm paranoid that they'll grow up with a skewed body image like I did. I vow never to call myself the F-word in front of my girls. Even if I feel that way, I know I'm not really fat, so why make them believe that I am and give them a skewed view of what is fat and what isn't?
So, that said,....I was SHOCKED when yesterday, my little Sydney...who is almost 5, said
"Your legs are fat Mommy", then proceded to say..."well, it's not really your legs that are fat, it's your bum that is fat and it's on part of your leg."
I told her that when you just have a baby, your body is bigger than usual, but that eventually it will get smaller, but that Mommy isn't fat at all, I'm just bigger than I was before I got pregnant.
So, she asked me that since my boobs were so big, if they would shrink too. I'm thinking..."unfortunately, yes, they will shrink so much it will look like I don' t have any", but I didn't say that...I just said "Yes".
So, tonight, while I was nursing, she saw my back and said...
"Mommy, your back isn't's got like bumps in it, it's not right".
So, we had to have the talk again about my body "shrinking", but I added this time, that it will shrink after I start exercising.
Just so everyone knows...I do still need to lose 20 pounds to get to my pre-preg weight, so she really is concerned about mommy looking different!
So, where did she start hearing about this "fat" stuff anyway???? I'm assuming the kids at school. I don't know! but, I'm not happy about it.
I do have to add one funny thing Addyson said too, since we're talking about my body here. I was leaning over picking something off the floor, and Addyson put her hand up to my cleavage (Yes, I have cleavage when I'm pregnant and nursing)...."Mommy's Bum?"
I just busted out laughing.
Hey, at least I have cleavage for one more time in my life!!


Stephanie Perdue said...

I am the same way about the "F" word in our house. I am sure that you look great. I remember Jake telling me that my stomach was squishy after having Anna Kate.

Jen Daniel said...

You are so NOT the F word! You look great! I think it's good that you're not using that word in you house. I think it is so important for girls to find their beauty from within. "Kids say the darnest things!"

Shayleen Lunt said...

Kate - I just read your post out loud to Aaron and we were laughing out loud. I know, it's a sad thing when kids learn the "F-word."
Kids really do say the funniest things!
Olivia just learned a few days ago...the "f" word...I didn't teach her...she came asking if she was fat.
Anyhow, I can't believe how great you looked going to deliver.
Now just make her think like Olivia about the word skinny. Skinny: means you have lots of skin ;)

Jessi said...

Addyson is so cute!! Her comment totally made me laugh.

And I'm sorry, but I find it totally hilarious Sydney called you fat. (It just shows how thin you really are that she'd never seen bumps in your back before.) My advice is to take her to the gym or something where she'll see other naked ladies. Seeing different body types will totally change her perception of what women look like. And I doubt she'll ever call you fat again. ;)

And I keep thinking about calling you, but I don't know when is a good time to call. I don't want to wake you if you're able to take a nap or something. But I want to talk to you!! Will you call me when you get a chance??

Rachel Hudgins said...

I love your girls! Hilarious!
I'm with you on the "f" word. It's not used in our house. I remember feeling horrified when Ethan learned it...from where, I have no idea.
I'm just happy you find humor in this. There was a day when this would have totally bummed you out. You are beautiful!
I remember one of my kids asking me once, when they saw me without a bra on, "Why are your booboo's down there?" I'm finally done nursing and no such luck on the incredible shrinking boobs for me. Darn it.

Natalie said...

I know what you mean! I was just thinking "where did he learn that?" about Alex cuz to my embarrassment and great sorrow, I saw him being mean to a little black boy at the park and actually saying stuff about not liking his skin color! Where did he learn to act like that?! We had a long talk on the drive home. :(
Your kids are so cute, though. Nice job holding the tears in. :) I've been there!

MiandMiksmom said...

I am in total agreement. I don't say "fat" OR "skinny" in my's hard enough raising girls!!! I haven't heard them say it yet, but I know it will come soon.

The cleavage comment is hilarious!

MiandMiksmom said...

I just got caught up on your other posts too...Dave rolled his ankle on a log and was down for two weeks. I can't believe you had to do that with a new baby!!!!

Shellie said...

I have to catch myself from saying Fat all the time. I am very guilty of using it about myself. I never really thought about watching what I say around Dallen but I should be... especially now with kate.

Tiffany said...

Hey Kate! I'm totally against the "F" word too. We talk about how God made everyone different shapes and sizes. Since our body is a temple, it is important to keep it healthy. Too thin is bad and too big is bad...we want to be healthy and strong, so that we have the most energy we can possibly have. Tough though...America has such a warped view of eating and food and the kids hear so many things from their friends and t.v.

kjirsten said...

SO FUNNY!!!! I miss those cute girls! Your stories make me laugh! I can't wait until June, when we can see you all again and hold sweet Baby Rylin!!

And for the record . . . you are the total opposite of the "F word". What your girls must think of ME!!! (yikes)