Monday, June 1, 2009

Pre-School Graduation

So, Sydney has "graduated" from pre-school. Travis and I were talking about the whole idea of graduating pre-school. Don't get me wrong, it's fun for the kids, but it's like saying..."Good job! You turned another year older, let's have a graduation". We just think it's funny that now-a-days they have a graduation from pre-school, kindergarten, elementary school, middle school and highschool. "Back in my day......" we only had high school graduation. I'm so old. haha.
We got some really cute pics of Sydney singing. This first one is a favorite of mine. Getting her "diploma" - which was a stuffed animal. These are her teachers announcing that Sydney wants to be a veterinarian when she grows up.
Leaving the Chapel with their stuffed animal and singing.

Addyson trying to see Sydney.

After the ceremony with her class

Addyson ran up there to give her a hug. It was really sweet.

Her Class

Her school party. She's talking to Adam, who introduced her to Star Wars....he always wanted her to be Princess Leia, and now she's obsessed!


Brandy said...

Your Sydney is so cute! My Sydney is old enough to be at camp this week. I can't believe it! Big milestones for both girls. Hope you all are well and you are getting a little sleep with that sweetie baby! Congrats on such a beautiful family. We are all truly blessed!

eMiLy sLaUgH said...

Your girls are so cute! And I love that they were matching! I can't believe Sydney is going to be in Kindergarten! Is she excited?

Jen Daniel said...

I agree about the graduation thing. Our principal woundn't call our 5th grade ceremony a graduation, we just called it an awards ceremony. She thought that only the one from high school should be called a graduation and I agree. We don't want the kids to think 5th grade is good enough. Sydney and Addyson look so cute in their matching outfits! Where did she go to preschool?

Rachel Hudgins said...

Tell Adam to back off.....she's already spoken for :D

Do you have all day kindergarten? It's such a long time to be away from home. I'm still not used to it and E is going into 2nd grade!!