Thursday, December 6, 2007

What is he DOING???

While I'm driving with the two girls in the back, Sydney watching a movie with her headphones on, and she suddenly says "Moooooommmmmm....What is Jesus DOING up there???!!!" At first I thought she must of seen a picture of him on something or a nativity scene on someone's lawn and I just answer....

me:"Up where, honey?"

Syd "Up THERE!"...

Me: "Did you see him on a picture or something?",

Syd: "NO MOM, What is He doing up THERE?"...

Me: "in the sky?",


Me: "in Heaven?",

Syd: "Yes! What is Jesus DOING up there?

It was so cute!! The only problem...I'm trying to explain to her that He's "working" by listening to our prayers and making sure the earth and sun and moon are working, etc. WHILE she's watching her movie. She thought it was very interesting that Jesus was working and wondered if He was working like Daddy was working. It was a great question and it was fun answering it. So, if anyone is reading this, I'd love to hear what you might say to a 3 year old who asked you the same question. Maybe help me out a little when it comes up again. :)


Rachel Hudgins said...

You answered it perfectly. I would have said the same kind of thing. Your kids crack me up. I love all the cute things these little ones say.

Jessi said...

Hmmmmmmm. I think I would have said the same things you did. (And isn't it fun trying to talk to kids while they are watching TV? Sometimes I think I should make a DVD of myself telling them to clean their rooms. Maybe then they would listen!)