Thursday, December 6, 2007


I survived the food poisoning, then Syd got an ear infection and Addyson got Scarlett fever. We are all fine now, and thanks to the powers that be, Travis didn't get sick. It's amazing to me how kids just keep on going when they are sick. They go until they literally can't stand up anymore and then just collapse. How is it that when we get older our pain seems to affect us more? Don't get me wrong, my girls were tired and a little cranky, but for the most part, they wanted to jump around and play until their bodies just couldn't take it anymore. I guess they are preparing early for motherhood. :)
The holidays, despite the illnesses, have been wonderful so far. Halloween was a blast, as usual, and Thanksgiving was wonderful with my brother and his family here to visit. Sydney has loved decorating for Christmas and singing Christmas songs at the top of her lungs. She's been wanting to watch the movie "Santa Claus" (with Tim Allen) while we're in the car. I haven't seen this movie in years and can't remember details, so I'm at a loss when she asks me questions about it....I really need to sit down and watch it. I say this because at dinner last night she asked me if Santa was a psychiatrist. I was like....huh??? Where in the world did she hear that??? I then thought of the movie...of course. "No, honey, Santa's not a psychiatrist...that's a really good word, though, and you pronounce it so well, why do you ask?" ...I say this as I'm trying not to laugh at her cuteness. She explains the part in the movie to me, and then we're fine. But I know as a three year old I didn't have a clue what the word psychiatrist meant and I probably hadn't ever even heard that word before. Funny how things change. She also asked me if Santa was going to fall off our roof like Santa in the movie did. Why am a letting her watch this again? When we are at home, all she wants to watch is ScoobyDoo, and she's not scared of it yet. I hope that she never is, but it looks so scary to me (as a mom looking out for her kids). So many green ghosts, mummies and monsters. I guess the recorded laughter on it makes it all better. :)
More on the holidays....I just love Christmas....the decor, the music, the presents, Santa, the TV's just so fun. It's interesting being a mommy now of a child who is VERY inquisitive of Santa and all that he can do and what he'll do and how he does it and how he'll know we won't be at home for Christmas and if I'll move the candles I have in the fireplace so Santa won't break them when he comes down the chimney and if he'll like our decorations and if he'll bring her "Baby Alive" (which she sings the little tune every time she says it). So many questions that I have to think of answers to and remember the answers I told her. I'm trying to get her to focus on the fact that Christmas is Jesus' birthday and it's really just a big birthday party for Him, and that's what's most important......and she does talk about that that....a little bit. But, of course, Santa wins out when you are 3. I somehow feel like I need to do a better job of explaining.
On a more downer note....what's the freaking problem with saying Merry Christmas now? I gag at anything PC, anyway, and now "Happy Holidays" is the PC thing to say??? Well, screw that! My friend, Andrea, went around this morning making it a point to say Merry Christmas to everyone while she was running errands. She went quite a few places and only ONE person said Merry Christmas back to her. Only ONE! What's that about? I think I'll start saying Merry Christmas to everyone even when it's not Christmas.....Okay, no I won't, but I'm going to try and make it a point to say Merry Christmas to people I see. I'll start today.


Natalie said...

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Love you, hon!