Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Thanksgiving went so well and then......BOOM/CRASH/BLAM! I got food poisoning from leftover turkey. It was lovely. I was so incredibly sick. Never been quite that sick in quite that way. WARNING>>>>>if you gross out easy, stop reading. Since there are no rules for blogs about potty talk, then I'll write about how sick I really was...okay, so I'm not that laid back to write details, but let's just say my body was emptying itself from both ends at the same time for almost 6 hours straight. I was literally in the bathroom, on the toilet and barfing in the trashcan for almost 6 hours straight. I also had the sweats/chills/sweats, etc. so much that I had to change my pajamas 3 times because of it and I ended up taking a shower at 3:00am b/c of my utter disgustingness (is that even a word? if not, it should be). After every possible food/liquid was forced out of my body, I slept for the next 18 hours....or tried to. Travis was WONDERFUL and took care of the girls and actually kept them out of the room for most of the day. Thank goodness it was Sunday and he was off work. Being so nauseated just made me depressed because it reminded me of what I feel like when I'm pregnant, and we want to have one more sometime in the next 2 years. Then to top it off, Sydney started getting sick with a fever which turned into an ear infection. I was feeling much better the next day, though, (still queezy, but not bad), so I was able to be a mom again instead of a yucky zombie. So, we get her meds and then, Addyson wakes up with the shakes from a very high fever. I call the doctor and they just say to give her motrin and monitor it for 24 hours. I'm praying she'll be better in the morning. Now all we need to Travis to get sick before his class on Saturday and during wrestling season...wouldn't that be lovely???

But on to better things.....I have to shout out to my bestest bud Andrea. (Can you shout out to people on blogs?). She's feeling left out of my blog because we talk everyday at least twice, but we hardly ever see each other, and I haven't written about her. I'm feeling awful about it. Just want her to know that she is muy importante and I love her more than enough to talk about her in my blog. Andrea, you're a rock star!!!! Even though you thought I was calling you a "freaking idiot" on the phone when I was really yelling at that driver that blocked the intersection.

Changing direction again.....What would Christmas be without the decor that goes along with it? Sydney seems to think that we don't have enough Christmas decor and has become my little "boss" on how to decorate. Little does she know that her "Annie" (my mom) goes way overboard on holiday decorations (which is a great thing b/c her house is just so magical on holidays) and I could never ever catch up to that, even though it would be's just impossible. So, I've got my little one pestering me to put lights on the outside of our house, and being persuaded to do this (I have had little sleep mind you) I actually bought lights to go on the outside of our house. Now, there is no one to put these up. Travis is at wrestling practically 24/7 and I have NO IDEA how to do this or have the coordination to climb a ladder and hang lights on our house! So, why in holy heck did I purchase these? Now I have to either hang them up or sorely disappoint my little 3 year old. UGH!

It's late....I've gotta go to bed.


Natalie said...'re really keeping up on the blogging. Great job! I'm so sorry you had to go through the awful food poisoning episode. Now you are more thankful for your health, right?! :) xo nat

Unknown said...

Hey Girl! Fun running into you at Walmart! I changed my blog address to sskmcck . I know boring but, we were trying to make it more private than our names!

Rachel Hudgins said...

You poor thing! My heart goes out to you and your sickies. I hope everyone is better now. And call your dad to help you put up lights...he'd love to help you. If he declines, just ask him if I need to come down there and take him for a ride in my car. He will have severe flash backs and be at your beck and call. :)