1. It sucks to be nauseated and exhausted on your birthday....and not even want cake or icecream.
2. I have to shut the doors to the bathrooms or Addyson will try to flush Sydney's clothes down the toilet, dip her teacups in the toilet, or clean the toilet.
3. I have wacked out dreams when I'm pregnant and I wake up wondering if they were real or not.
4. I am miserable when Travis is out of town and I can't fall asleep at night if he's not in the house.
5. I cry at anything even remotely touching.
6. I feel like the worst mother in the world to my kids b/c all I feel like doing is laying down all day. I pray at night to be forgiven, but worry what damage I've done that can't be taken away.
7. I can go from shivering cold to sweating hot in 2 minutes and be sitting in the same place and not having moved at all.
8. Travis wants me to add that "I've learned that Iowa's offense still sucks".
9. That I really don't deserve some of my friends, and that they mean the world to me and I'm so grateful for their service and love. I don't think I would have made it through this week as well as I did without them.
10. That if I eat 3 bean and cheese burritos within a six hour time-slot that I will be in a whole heap of pain.
11. If I stay up past 8:30pm I will just want to lie where I am in the fetal position.
12. Pretending the laundry isn't there won't make it go away or get any smaller.
13. Sydney has a better memory than I do.
14. I don't want to be or feel like I'm 33.
15. Steak is great.
16. Don't mess with me or I'll either tell you off or cry.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Things I learned or realized last week.....
Posted by Kate at 9:59 PM 5 comments
Sunday, August 24, 2008
What happens next Mommy???
So, I'm pregnant, right? Sydney is very excited about this. She has, in the past, asked very specific questions as to how the baby gets into Mommy's tummy. We've discussed it thoroughly enough for a 4 year old...well, she was 3 at the time, but I probably approached it more at a 5 year old level. Not giving her specifics, but specific enough to satisfy her curiosity. So, the other day, she asks me how the baby gets OUT of my tummy. Ahhhh.... am I ready for this? I thought for about 10 seconds of how I should approach this, when it came to mind that Sydney is very bright and is actually probably ready for the real answer. SO, I told her. I gave her the real answer. She just looked at me with a little grimace/sideways smirk and a wrinkled nose and said (like she was a little disgusted)...."ohhhhh". Then she asked me how big the hole was that the baby came out of. I then had to explain that it's really small, but when the baby is about to be born, it gets big really fast. She asked if it hurt and I said, yes, but that it is worth it. She then gave me a hug and put her head on my tummy and said...."I'm so sorry that you have to get hurt Mommy, did I hurt you when I came out of your tummy?". It was so sweet! I hugged her and assured her that it didn't hurt Mommy that much because I had the doctor give me some really good medicine that took all the pain away. She was very glad about that. Then, she changed the subject, which I was glad for. I'm just waiting for her to go up to some pregnant, or larger, woman and tell her that she knows her baby is going to come out a hole in her privates.
Posted by Kate at 1:00 PM 10 comments
Friday, August 22, 2008
A Gazillion Pictures!

Jenna, Allison, Sydney, Lauren, Addyson and Caroline.

Here is my Dad with the girls "Poppie to everyone but Sydney, who calls him Grandfather".
Catching crabs on the beach at night.

One of my very favorites of my girls. Another favorite of mine.
Cute Addyson.
My Mom and Dad.....they just celebrated their 39th anniversary.
The girls with their Great-Grandma who we call Memama.
We're at "Farmer Dave's" property. He's my mom's cousin.
Hay Ride at Farmer Dave's.
Posted by Kate at 10:14 AM 10 comments
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Posted by Kate at 2:47 PM 11 comments