Thursday, October 30, 2008

Wicked Awesome!

So, this is a pre-halloween/halloween post. First of all...the title of my about the play "Wicked" that I went to see last night at the awesome Fox theatre with some friends of mine and my mom. It was FAB, and I mean FABULOUSIVIOUS! I loved it. I really didn't know much about it and was very pleasantly surprised. "I could go see it again and was better than Cats"...okay, that's an old SNL joke for any old SNL lovers....which transitions us to my next statement and picture.

So, for a Halloween party, Travis and I dressed up like the SNL Spartan cheerleaders (you know with Will Ferrel and Cheri O'Terry). I thought it was hilarious, but I actually had to explain to some people who we were, so that was a real downer....I thought everyone watched SNL when Will Ferrell was on....oops! But, it was fun and I thought it was funny. The funny part? That I actually got Travis to dress up as a cheerleader. He loves Will Ferrell, though, so he was cool with it. Now to the FUNNIEST part.....Sydney tells everyone that Mommy and Daddy are dressing up as cheerleaders for Halloween, and anyone who knows Travis and his loathing for cheerleaders, thinks this is hilarious and shocking. We have to explain, but it's worth it to see Travis's face. I'm laughing right now thinking about it.
(Yes, Travis looks soooo freakin' young in this picture!)

These next pictures have nothing to do with Halloween, but I think are cute. Sydney decided to give Addyson and herself a "makeover" with her makeup, and this was the end result. They were so proud of themselves. Addyson kept saying..."pretty pretty pretty". Sydney kept saying..."Mom, we are so stylish and cool, aren't we?!"

Sydney even put makeup on their hands and feet! We had to take a bath shortly after.

Happy Halloween everyone!!! You know I'll be joining you all in the post-Halloween pictures posts.


Rachel said...

Such cute pictures. I am amazed that some people never watch/watched SNL. You guys look awesome. And yes, Travis's hair makes him look really young! And the girls-as adorable as ever!

Rachel Hudgins said...

Our friends dressed up as the same thing and it was hilarious! Love it...and can't believe people didn't know who you were. Maybe they were too young...speaking of... Travis looks VERY young in that picture...what does that boy eat/drink? He HAS to have some secret. I swear he looks younger in every picture I see!!
Happy Halloween

Anonymous said...

I LOVE WICKED!!!!!! I'm so jealous you went. It is coming here next year- I'm so excited. Funny Halloween pictures and VERY NICE makeovers:)

Angie said...

Where were those costumes last night?

sherbear said...

The girls should open up a salon for kids :)
So cute!!

I love the cheerleader costumes. Good for Travis for dressing up!! lol
You would have had to explain it to me too. HA!

youreprettytoo said...

I love the SNL cheerleaders. The high school eric went to and it is the same one my kids will go to, are the spartans. So we could easily be "Spartan" cheerleaders one year- thanks for the idea! Also I love WICKED. It is coming to SLC next spring.

MiandMiksmom said...

Great costumes! I love the make up on the girls too...just don't let Sydney get a hold of scissors and take them to Addyson's hair...that came right after the make up for us!

Anonymous said...

when I first saw addyson's makeup I was like oh great I guess I didn't wash it off that well I'm a dork. because it was exactly how she looked after Kate got a hold of her.

Toss Toss