Monday, January 5, 2009

Ice Ice Baby.....

So, for some reason I think I need pictures to post on here....BUT, after getting a new camera for Christmas...thank you Travis...I'm a little slow at downloading, etc. I need help in the technological field.
Anyway! I have lots of pictures to post from Christmas, etc., but it won't happen tonight.

So, our little family is about to say our nightly family prayer when Sydney starts ....well...she starts rapping. I wasn't sure what she said, but Travis was like..."what are you teaching our daughters? What are you guys listening to?" (he is totally chuckling), so Sydney keeps doing it and Travis says.."She's doing Vanilla Ice". Of course, I was like "No, honey, I haven't listened to Vanilla Ice in a long time, so she can't have heard him". Then I remember......I RAP IT TO MY KIDS! I'm such a dork.
She was saying "I'm back with a brand new addition".
You're all probably thinking I'm a big dork too, but it should try this when your kids won't listen....just start out with Vanilla Ice, and then make up whatever you want to say to them by rapping it....seriously, it is an example of what I do....

"STOP! Collaborate and listen, Mommy's back with a brand new addition. GET in your car seat NOW, so we can go to Grandma's HOUse".

They start giggling and then get in their seats...seriously, try it.

You can thank me later.


Natalie said...

Ha! Made me think of that anti-drug commercial...
"You! I learned it from watching you, okay?!"
I'm a dork too. I'll try out different accents and act for them. They will not always enjoy it, I'm sure, so I will enjoy it while it lasts.

Angie said...

I am trying to picture you doing this! So funny, but so true!

Anonymous said...

I'll have to try it because getting kate in her car seat is like wrestling a bear.

eMiLy sLaUgH said...

That is awesome! I'll have to give it a try!

sherbear said...

I can see you singing that. AND i will try it tomorrow. lol

kjirsten said...

I LOVE IT! I can totally see you doing that AND Sydney repeating it! So clever, you are. We miss you!

youreprettytoo said...

My sister Natalie burned a CD for me of her favorite running songs and Ice, Ice baby is on it. My girls found it one day and absolutely loved it. So often when you come to my house you will like you have entered the hood because my girls will have it cranked up. Even my two- year old asks for, "ice baby." So tell Travis, his girls aren't the only ones who can rap;)