We had a GREAT EASTER! It was so fun dressing the girls up for Easter Sunday. Sydney was sooo proud of her white gloves and little white purse. She was the perfect Southern Belle. Addyson, of course, wouldn't wear the gloves, but I tried!

We had a terrific Easter egg hunt the night before. A friend of ours from church organized a big Easter egg hunt in Vickery patterned after the one in "Steel Magnolias". We had a picnic and then the moms all hid the eggs. It was great. Well, it was great until Sydney was running down a hill and totally fell down. Her eggs went flying everywhere and I think some other kids picked up her eggs that she had dropped. She now has yet another pair of jeans with a hole it them now. She was very upset about the fall and was ready to go home right then, which was fine b/c it was the end of the hunt anyway. Both the girls had a blast, though, except for that. Addyson was so funny b/c after picking up about 4 eggs, she realized that they had candy in them, and then she didn't want to put anymore in her basket, she wanted to eat all of her candy right then. It was very cute.

The next day, however, after the Easter Bunny had hidden eggs everywhere in our house, all Addyson wanted to do was eat the candy in them right then too. That made for a little hyper-active-sugar-high little 17 month old.

At church, Addyson, was a little terror, and I basically was outside with her watching her run circles around the church building. It was a pretty day, however, and I ended up getting a few pictures of her....I had my camera in the car. Next time, I'm going to have to make sure that the Easter Bunny doesn't bring as much candy.

I was very proud of Sydney, however, for remembering what Easter is all about....the Resurrection. She knew what the "reason for the season" was all about.....since, if you've been reading my posts for a while, you know that the Resurrection is one of her all time favorite topics of discussion!