Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Doughnuts for Daddy

Sydney's pre-school had a
"Doughnuts for Daddy" day where all of the dads came in to have snacks and play games, make a craft, and sing songs with their daddies. Sydney had been excited about this for two weeks, so when the day finally arrived, she was jumping out of her skin. I pulled up to the carpool line to drop her off and Travis was standing there and she squealed..."Daddy's here!! I want Daddy to get me out of the car, not my teacher!". She was jumping in her car seat and clapping her hands laughing. It was so cute. Here are some pictures from yesterday with her Daddy. Her table consisted of her and Travis (obviously), her "best friend" Ryan Elizabeth and her dad (to the left of Sydney..the right of the picturesand Marina and her Dad. Sydney and Marina are good friends too, and her mom and I are friends as well. They had a treasure hunt and made treasure chests, were pirates, ate donuts, etc. She had a blast and so did Travis.
It POURED rain today, so when Travis got home from work, he had me dress the girls in their grubby clothes and took them out to jump in mud puddles. They had so much fun, but were wet and shivering when they got home. I was cooking dinner, so we stripped them down and
Travis gave them a quick bath. At dinner, however, Addyson decided to wear her bowl on her head, so she needed another bath. Oh well!


Jessi said...

Doughnuts with Daddy was a hit at our house, too. I think it is such a cute idea.

Stephanie Perdue said...

How fun! I think we should let our kids go play in mud puddles. Our whole yard is a mud puddle...Great Idea Travis!

MiandMiksmom said...

That was my classroom, I think! Cute the bath story!

Rachel Hudgins said...

Love your family. I could just give Addy a big squeezer...I love her bowl-hat. What cute personalities. You must have fun all day.

Jessie said...

sounds like fun! Davis hates getting wet and cries when it is raining outside and he is getting he wouldn't be fun to splashing in the puddles with!! :)
But, I am glad that your girls like it!!

Sam Zavitz said...

AWESOME picture of Addyson! That's definitely a keeper!

Mimi said...

I love Sydney's hat - sounds like they had a blast. Kenna's school does donuts w/dad too but it is super short. I love the Janis Joplin music!

sherbear said...

The pic of Addyson is SO DANG CUTE!!! I love it!!
The donuts with daddy is so sweet. Im glad she enjoyed it so much. Sam has Daddy's nite at her PS next monday :)

also known as shell said...

dude! Can Travis grow a goatee like overnight? Cause I just saw him yesterday with like full on goatee! And all these pics he doesn't have it :)