June 21st, 2002 at 10:30am in the Atlanta LDS temple was the beginning of my eternal family. It all started at North Forsyth High school in 2000. I was a guidance counselor, volleyball coach and soccer coach, and Travis was a history teacher, head wrestling coach, football coach and soccer coach. I met Travis in August, I suppose...that's what he says, but I don't remember the exact time. I was on crutches after tearing my Achilles tendon playing volleyball, so I didn't get around the school as often as I would have liked. Travis started coming in my office in October to talk about a student he was concerned about. Then somehow, he had a reason to stop by everyday. I thought he was fresh out of college. By the looks of him he could have been anywhere from 17 - 22. He surprised me when he said he was 25 and a whole month older than me. I thought he was so funny. He would come in and just crack me up. I was also impressed that he was a coach. Athletic guys and guys that love sports have always been a turn on for me. He was also VERY confident...bordering on conceited, but that was a turn on too. I didn't realize yet that he was extremely intelligent in other ways than coaching as well. When I found out how smart he was, it blew me away. I'm still blown away by how smart he is. I knew he was new to the area, and that he made me laugh, so when I was going out to an improv comedy club with some of my highschool friends, it occurred to me, while he was walking out the door of my office, that he might have fun. So I called out from my desk..."HEY, COME BACK" (remember, I was crippled, so I couldn't get up quickly). He popped back in and I invited him to come along. I found out later that he cancelled other plans to go with me. That evening, as he was driving to my house, where some of my friends were meeting before going downtown, we talked the entire time, and he was so funny and easy to talk to. When he gets to my house, I find out that some other people had not been able to come, so it was me, Travis, my friend, Holland, her boyfriend, my friend Micky and his girlfriend. So, it TOTALLY looked like I had asked him out on a date....which I totally didn't, but he thought I had. I felt so awkward and embarrassed, but couldn't let on to him that I felt that way. Anyway, we had a great time that night and that's the night when I decided that I really wanted to hang out with him more.
He ended the night so great too. As he was leaving my house it could have gotten a little awkward b/c it ended up being a date but it wasn't supposed to be....so....as he was leaving, he said he had a great time hanging out and the he said two words that just won me over..."High Five" and put his hand up. It was so cute and funny and perfect. And, if he had known me all through highschool, he would've known that I always used to give people high fives. But, he didn't, and he still did it anyway....he was meant for me.

He asked me to go out to get something to eat after the football game on Friday night. So, I go to the game and wait for him to get done coaching and we go out to a bar to meet some other football coaches. Well, when we get there, the kitchen is closed. I was starving! But, I had a good time nonetheless. I saw him in his element with the other coaches, and he was fun and a perfect gentleman. When we were leaving, he walked me out to my car and gave me a hug and the sweetest little peck on the lips. It was over....I knew I wanted to date him. So, we continued to date, but I was wary about dating someone from work, so I didn't want to get serious. He asked me "where we were" in our relationship and I just said "Oh, I'm just going with the flow"....he did not like that answer at all, so he brought it up the next time we went out. I told him that I thought it was unwise to get too involved with someone at work and it would be awkward if we broke up, etc. He then looked at me like I was crazy and said "But, what if we don't break up and it's wonderful?" I honestly hadn't even thought of that b/c I was so worried about what would happen if we broke up. After that, we were hooked. Even though, he thought I was a total snob....I don't know if I should tell that story or not.... But, I made up for that in wit and looks, right honey? ha ha We started dating the end of October, he met ALL of my family in December, he started going to church with me in February...which was a freakin' miracle b/c he soooooo hated organized religion and let me know right off that he would never go to church. I met his entire family in May and we were engaged in July. We were engaged for 11 months and 15 days. Which seems like a long time, and it was, BUT I had major issues with my dress and it honestly took 10 months to get the things the way I wanted it.
So, since we met, we've never had a fight. Yes, we disagree and get disappointed with each other, but we always talk about it and always get it worked out right away. He is SOOOO good with me. He diffuses me right away before I can blow up. I'm not sure how he manages to do that. He is so fun and is so perfect for me. I could go on and on, but I already posted my "100 things I love about Travis", and don't want to be too redundant. I think he should post 100 things about me...what do you guys think? haha
He is the best father and my best friend in the universe. I never imagined ever being loved the way he loves me, and before I met him, I never knew I could love someone so much. I had been in love before, so I thought I knew what it was, but with him, it was a whole new ballgame. Marrying him was the easiest decision I have ever made. I just knew. I used to HATE when people would tell me that b/c I didn't understand....until I met him. These last 8 years that I've known him have definitely been the best years of my life, hands down, and I am unbelievably thankful for being so blessed.
I love you babe. You rock. AND, you totally make me laugh more than Adam Sandler.