Tuesday, June 17, 2008

You can hire me for your next b-day party!

Sydney came home from my Dad's company picnic with all of these long, skinny balloons and a little air pump and wanted me to make her some balloon animals. I, of course, had to try, and figured out that I can make decent balloon dogs and giraffes. I really didn't try anything else except for a butterfly and that was a big flop. Now the neighbor girls on each side of us want me to make them balloon animals. I feel like the neighborhood clown or something. ha ha. Just don't ask me to make anything fancy! Sydney was very impressed with Mommy, so I told her that I would display my "artwork" on my blog. (She is all about putting her picture on my blog). Sydney, Kayla, Sammy and Addyson with their balloon dogs and one pink giraffe.

I took this picture yesterday when the girls were sitting in their chairs all eating a popsicle. Addyson had been sitting down too, but once I had retrieved my camera she had moved to the grass. Oh well.


MiandMiksmom said...

How fun..and what talent!!! You could totally be the entertainment at a party!!!

I LOVE working out to your tunes!!!

Tansy said...

Wow you are so talented!! How did you figure that out?

I love the colors on your blog, it makes me want to eat a watermelon :)

Mimi said...

How many balloons did you have to go through before success? I always end up popping them. I'm sure you endeared yourself even more to your kids with this great talent - they probably think there is nothing you can't do.

Rachel Hudgins said...

You're hired...you don't mind the travel, right? Love that pic of Travis with the girls reading...so adorable. I am glad you guys had a great father's day. Isn't it such a blessing to have wonderful men in our lives!! We need to have a phone chat soon...miss ya!

sherbear said...

Ohh can you make me a purple mustang??? lol
Cute! You did a great job.

Jessie said...

You are totally hired for Davis birthday...deal?!?