For those of you you who don't know...I've been having to go through series of tests to determine whether or not I have a thyroid disease. My internist thought I did after doing numerous blood tests, so he sent me to an endocrinologist. I guess those kinds of doctors are hard to get in to b/c I had to wait a month or more to get an appointment. The doctor that they recommended was actually booked until October, so I went with the one that was the least busy. Mistake? Maybe. So, I go in today...I got there very early b/c they told me to. My appointment was at 3:00pm, and I had to fast all day, so I was a little irritable (Kate without food = cranky lady). I brought my book with me, however, so the wait seemed less torturous. The doctor comes in and at first sight I was totally grossed out. Seriously. It was like a movie...."Kate meets the blob" or "Attack of Dr. Blob". This was me in my head....."This is my doctor? He's totally obese with a gray bob for a hair cut. He's a diabetes/thyroid doctor....isn't he supposed to be a role model to his patients and be healthy? He can hardly breathe!" So, he sits down and looks through my paperwork for like 5 minutes. I'm just sitting there waiting.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Doctor Creepy
Posted by Kate at 11:18 PM 7 comments
Friday, April 25, 2008

I took this picture of Addyson vacuuming the kitchen for me. She loves to do it.

Sydney was "Daphne" from Scooby Doo for "crazy hat day" at school. We didn't have any crazy hats, but I had borrowed this wig and she wanted to wear it. So cute. She was so excited to be Daphne.

Of course Addyson wanted to try it on when Sydney got home from school. One day you'll have real hair Addyson!!

Posted by Kate at 11:04 AM 11 comments
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Any word but that one....
Ya know how I was horrified by Sydney saying "porn"....well, today she decided to rhyme with "bucket" and the only letter she used to rhyme with was an "F". Need I say more?? ughh.
Posted by Kate at 8:25 PM 11 comments
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Airhead moment of the year....

I really think these blond highlights I have in my hair are making me more of an airhead...I didn't need much more help in that department anyway, but today I could have been the subject of a blond joke. Granted, when I'm pregnant, I have one or two of these moments A DAY, but I'm not pregnant, but my brain must think I am and must be shrinking.

Posted by Kate at 9:13 PM 12 comments
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
What did she say??
Sydney likes to make up her own languages ALL the time. She usually starts saying something and then just rhymes. Her words don't make any sense. She'll start off saying something like...corn, horn, sorn, zorn rikorn, susorn, and the latest she loves to say is PORN! So, Travis and I are like..."Sydney, you can't say the word porn b/c it's bad.", but we'll hear it again in a song and have to say..."Sydney, I love your song, but remember, we don't say the word Porn". The thing is, as all of you know that know Sydney, is that the child has no quiet/indoor voice. Her voice is very deep, very loud and carries very well. I'm just waiting to get a call from her pre-school teacher telling me that Sydney is saying porn. And you many people will think..."hmmmm I wonder where she heard THAT word"...and you know they'll be thinking that Travis and I talk about porn or something. ugh!!!
When we were at Disney, we had to wait in many cramped-spaced lines. On one ride in particular...can't remember the line...Addyson was digging in her nose, pulled out a booger and wiped it on my mouth. It was so gross! I started saying...eeewwww...Addyson!! Sydney, of course asked what happened, so I told her that Addyson wiped a booger on mommy's mouth. She then started laughing and turning to everyone around her and said..."Excuse me, but my baby sister just put a booger in my mom's mouth! hahahahah". Lovely Sydney. Thanks for sharing. They were all just staring at me like..."that's so gross...why is this little girl telling us this?"
One day a few months ago, I was holding Sydney and she said..."Mom, I really like your cups, I want some cups" (That's what she calls my boobs), and I said, well, one day when you get a lot older, you'll get some too, but little girls aren't supposed to have them. So, the next day when we were out shopping, she pulls up her shirt, starts rubbing her nipples and says (in her loud voice for everyone to hear)...."Mom! I think I'm getting cups just like you...look! Look at my cups! Am I getting any??" Ladies were just walking by me giggling. I had to stop and explain again that girls don't pull up their shirts and certainly don't rub their chests, and that she isn't getting any cups yet and it won't be for a long time.
Now an entirely different subject. As you know, I was gone for a week, and I get back and I feel completely overwhelmed that I have to catch up on my blog reading! I feel so out of touch with my blogging friends. I just haven't had time to read their blogs and update myself. Now, logically, I find this really ridiculous that I feel the need to go and read everyone's posts since last Saturday, but I feel so much pressure. It's imaginary pressure that I'm putting on myself. Seriously, are toooooooo weird. But, it's there. So, to all of you whom I haven't left a comment on your blogs lately...sorry...I might get there someday!
Posted by Kate at 11:12 AM 10 comments
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Disney World and SOOOO many pictures!
We're back! We had such a fantastic time and I took WAY too many pictures, but I'm only posting a few! I know, it's still a lot. I'm not the best photographer or have the best camera, but these are still fun for me to look at!! I hope you enjoy as well. We first went to Seaworld where the girls had a blast seeing Shamu and the dolphins, the sharks, fish, penguins and more. They loved every minute of it. Sydney loved barking like the sealions, and barked almost as loud as they did! (see picture below). So, these first pictures are us as Seaworld.
Next Stop...Magic Kingdom... and it really is still magic!!
I think I love it just as much as the kids. We did have to stand in massive lines, however, due to the spring break crowd, but Travis got all the fast-passes that he could, so we did okay. We had to stand in three very long lines, however, to meet all of the princesses, but for Sydney, it was sooooo worth it. Sydney was also so excited to finally see the "magic castle" that's at the beginning of all her Disney movies. She couldn't wait to see Tinkerbell fly off the castle that night either. Although we had a blast, as I looked around at all of the kids asleep in their strollers and then at mine who were fully awake for almost 16 hours, I couldn't help but wonder...."What is wrong with my kids!" Addyson would NOT fall asleep in the stroller. She would start nodding off and just fight back the sleep. She didn't want to miss anything! We stayed until the park closed at 11:00 or a little later. After waiting for the ferry, we got in the car around 11:30, and the kids were out before the car started I think. Travis and I had gone to Disneyland out in CA before Sydney was born and I had forgotten how much bigger Disney World actually is. I was definitely overwhelmed when we walked through the gates of the Magic Kingdom, but in a good way. Thank goodness we had our planner, Travis, with us!!

Posted by Kate at 12:53 PM 7 comments
Saturday, April 5, 2008
I'm going to Disney World!
No, I haven't won the Super Bowl or anything, but we are going to Disney World in Orlando for spring break! We leave very early tomorrow morning. We are SOOOO excited to see Sydney enjoy all the parks we've planned for. On Monday we're going to Seaworld, then Tuesday to the Magic Kingdom and Wednesday to Animal Kingdom. I'm a little nervous about how Addyson will do, but Shellie is letting me borrow her little "backpack" for Addyson that's a little dog and the tail is actually a handle for me to hold on to Addyson when she wants to get out of her stroller and walk. She tried it on today and just loved it. Of course, Sydney wanted to play like Addyson was a dog on a leash, so then Addyson got mad, but she was cute with it too. So, wish us luck!!!! Have a great week, my fellow bloggers, and I'll be back to blogging next Saturday. I'm sure you all have plans for spring break as well, so I'm excited to hear about everyone's adventures when I get home.
Posted by Kate at 5:55 PM 11 comments