I really think these blond highlights I have in my hair are making me more of an airhead...I didn't need much more help in that department anyway, but today I could have been the subject of a blond joke. Granted, when I'm pregnant, I have one or two of these moments A DAY, but I'm not pregnant, but my brain must think I am and must be shrinking.
So, I'm at Adler's birthday party with my girls. The kids are all riding a little train around the neighborhood (except Addyson) and the adults are chatting. Brittany A. randomly asks me... "hey, Kate, what's up with the shoes?" I'm looking at Addyson's shoes trying to figure out what she is talking about.
Kate: "What are you talking about?"
Britt: "The shoes, what's up with the shoes?"
Kate: still looking at Addyson's shoes...."What?"
Britt: "What's the story behind your shoes?"
So, I look at my shoes and I have on two totally different sandals! One is black and has a little heel and the other is a brown ugly strappy kind of sandal that is flat. I had NO IDEA that I had on two different shoes!! I was totally shocked and just started laughing, along with everyone else around, except Brittany, who is so nice that she felt bad b/c she thought she had embarrassed me. I had been walking around on them for at least 45 minutes. After I realized this fashion disaster, it then occurred to me why my legs were so uncomfortable and why I was limping.....b/c one shoe was flat and one had a little heel. Seriously....is that not the DUMBEST thing you've heard this week that someone has done!
I couldn't wait to tell Travis what a dork I was.....he was out golfing all day, so I had to wait until 6:00 to tell him! He was laughing hysterically too and asked me if I was drunk at the party.
Nice, Travis.
I have to add some "Sydney sayings" as well....just can't resist.
The other day when we were visiting my grandma "Memama" at her assisted living home, a rather large nurse was sitting on the ground cleaning out a cabinet. It took her a while to get up off the ground...Sydney was watching all of this with a questioning look on her face. As soon as the nurse stood up, Sydney loudly asks...."Why is your belly SO BIG?!" Nice, Sydney.
This one made Travis so proud. After he got home from a golf tournament he was in today, he told us that he won $60 for coming in 2nd place. Sydney then asked...."So, did you have to go into that little house and sign the paper, so you knew you did a good job? and then did you get a green jacket?"
If any of you watched the Master's golf tournament last weekend, then you totally get this...if you didn't, then....I'm not going to explain it.
Travis was so proud of Sydney for paying attention to the Master's. We had no clue that she was even watching it.
Ahhhh...how I wish Travis had gone into that little house, signed those papers and gotten a green jacket....we would be filthy rich! Just insert Travis's picture here....

And one final thing I thought was hilarious....
My wonderful husband, Travis, has a very loud, deep voice that carries. When he teaches class, there is really no way a kid can fall asleep. The teachers next to him can clearly hear him through their cinder block walls. Well, one day he comes home and tells me that one of his students had told him that he is too loud. My response...."So, you're loud, what's new?". Then he said...well, it wasn't just any student...it was my DEAF student. I literally almost fell down laughing. My husband is too loud for deaf people. Now, tell me that's not funny.

That is too funny! My Mom did that once when she went to a wedding! I wore my running shirt inside out this week!
oh kate that was so funny. I was crying. why in the world did you do that?! and why do you own a ugly brown flat strappy sandal. get rid of those :) jk
I loved that Travis and the deaf kid story. Too funny! love it.
Don't worry..I am loosing my mind too! That is why my kids names start with A, B and C...that way if I do really loose it, than hopefully I can remember the alphabet! HA HA!
Love the shoe story. Last summer I went to my girlfriends house for a baby shower and when I left, I accidently put someone else's shoes on. Ooops! I didn't even realize until she called me on my cell phone and asked if I had her shoes on. Luckily, she was a long time friend and knew I wasn't a clempto!! And, in my defense...I was very pregnant myself...so I couldn't really see my feet.
Love the loud Travis story!!
That is sooo great!!! I wish I would have seen you with two different shoes on! Too funny!!
I love it....
I've heard about the shoe thing happening to other people but so far haven't gone there myself. I love your stories - they always make me laugh.
Okay, the deaf story is way too funny. And I feel so wrong for laughing so much! Oh, well! I'm partly deaf. I swear! And it doesn't really help being blonde.
It's funny to hear about Travis' loud voice cuz he didn't ever speak at church! That was very funny. Good stuff. btw, i changed my blog address to www.happyhavoc.blogspot.com so I could go public again. (I didn't like hiding!) So, update me on your link list. xo!
Your shoes weren't that bad! But it is kind of funny! Don't worry... I have done the same thing before! I love your Sydney stories! If only Travis really won the Masters... that would be awesome!
Those are all very funny stories and very relatable about the shoes! Your girls are too cute and funny. I'm glad you had a good time in CA. I know this post isn't about that, but it had been awhile since i have read people's blogs and I wanted to catch up! love you
I can't stop laughing!! Ok, I gotta go pee now. Maybe someday we'll all tell our airhead moments....I'm not ready yet. :-) And dyeing my hair brown didn't help.
That is so funny about the shoes... lol
I haven't done that...yet..
Good for Sydney for knowing what she is talking about. WOW!!
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