Wednesday, April 16, 2008

What did she say??

Sydney likes to make up her own languages ALL the time. She usually starts saying something and then just rhymes. Her words don't make any sense. She'll start off saying something like...corn, horn, sorn, zorn rikorn, susorn, and the latest she loves to say is PORN! So, Travis and I are like..."Sydney, you can't say the word porn b/c it's bad.", but we'll hear it again in a song and have to say..."Sydney, I love your song, but remember, we don't say the word Porn". The thing is, as all of you know that know Sydney, is that the child has no quiet/indoor voice. Her voice is very deep, very loud and carries very well. I'm just waiting to get a call from her pre-school teacher telling me that Sydney is saying porn. And you many people will think..."hmmmm I wonder where she heard THAT word"...and you know they'll be thinking that Travis and I talk about porn or something. ugh!!!

When we were at Disney, we had to wait in many cramped-spaced lines. On one ride in particular...can't remember the line...Addyson was digging in her nose, pulled out a booger and wiped it on my mouth. It was so gross! I started saying...eeewwww...Addyson!! Sydney, of course asked what happened, so I told her that Addyson wiped a booger on mommy's mouth. She then started laughing and turning to everyone around her and said..."Excuse me, but my baby sister just put a booger in my mom's mouth! hahahahah". Lovely Sydney. Thanks for sharing. They were all just staring at me like..."that's so gross...why is this little girl telling us this?"

One day a few months ago, I was holding Sydney and she said..."Mom, I really like your cups, I want some cups" (That's what she calls my boobs), and I said, well, one day when you get a lot older, you'll get some too, but little girls aren't supposed to have them. So, the next day when we were out shopping, she pulls up her shirt, starts rubbing her nipples and says (in her loud voice for everyone to hear)...."Mom! I think I'm getting cups just like you...look! Look at my cups! Am I getting any??" Ladies were just walking by me giggling. I had to stop and explain again that girls don't pull up their shirts and certainly don't rub their chests, and that she isn't getting any cups yet and it won't be for a long time.

Now an entirely different subject. As you know, I was gone for a week, and I get back and I feel completely overwhelmed that I have to catch up on my blog reading! I feel so out of touch with my blogging friends. I just haven't had time to read their blogs and update myself. Now, logically, I find this really ridiculous that I feel the need to go and read everyone's posts since last Saturday, but I feel so much pressure. It's imaginary pressure that I'm putting on myself. Seriously, are toooooooo weird. But, it's there. So, to all of you whom I haven't left a comment on your blogs lately...sorry...I might get there someday!


Jessi said...

I love your Sydney stories! They are always good for a laugh.

Rachel said...

Too funny!!! Mikayla has one of those voices to - luckily, she hasn't said anything in public that has embarrassed me too badly....yet!

Mimi said...

I am laughing so hard that I'm crying. I love the cups story and the booger one. I can just picture it. Luckily Kenna is a little more shy in public so while she may say some crazy things at home - I don't have to worry too much. I'm sure you were embarrassed but makes for some great stories.

Natalie said...

I love Sydney!

Me said...

Sydney is such a cute girl!! She's so funny!
Thanks again for having us at your house last night! It was alot of fun!! :)

MiandMiksmom said...

Okay, "cups" is hilarious. Love the "porn" story too. Thanks for the smile!

Also, I think I feel that same pressure to read blogs...not "pressure" but just like it's something that needs to be done each day...weird.

eMiLy sLaUgH said...

I am laughing so hard at your Sydney stories! Those are some great one! Thanks for the laugh!

Rachel Hudgins said...

I have tears, I am laughing so hard. I don't know if these stories make me happy we don't live near eachother, or even more sad...Let me explain. My little Lauren has the same LOUD voice, and is often saying crazy-funny things. I think the two of them together would either be trouble or hysterically funny. I honestly don't know where they come up with some of this stuff. I love that you are blogging about it. And the gross is that? Love ya!

Jessie said...

Those really are some good stories!! I am telling you I am pretty nervous for when Davis starts talking and what will come out of his mouth!! But you gotta love it!!!

sherbear said...

Well although we dont refer to mine as cups im glad to know that my girls, or Becca isnt the only one fascinated with them... lol
That is SO FUNNY!!
Sydney is sure one funny girl!!

And the porn...maybe have the list of other things that rhyme with porn in case anyone questions you? lol