Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Constant Discussion with Sydney

My dog, Fritz

Travis's dog, Major

It all started with a "kid's Bible". Jesus dies and is resurrected in 3 days. Well, Sydney was VERY curious about the resurrection and death after this. This first fascination was months ago, and I didn't realize what an impact it would have on Sydney. After first explaining it to her, she said...."Mommy, you know that whole 'body' thing you just talked about? um, I don't get that", and I thought it was done. She's 3, right? So, we'll discuss it for a few days and she'll move on. No, she won't, because this is Sydney. At first it was a discussion every few days until Christmas. While we were at Travis's parents, she saw a picture of Travis's dog that he had growing up. She loves dogs and wanted to know where this dog, Major, was. I told her that he had died a long time ago and that he now is in heaven with Heavenly Father. She asked me if I had a dog when I was growing up, which I did, and if he was in heaven with Major, Daddy's dog. Yes, I told her, and his name was Fritz. Well, EVERY DAY since then, we have had to talk about the resurrection and what I think the dogs are doing in Heaven with Heavenly Father and Jesus. If they are taking naps, if they lick Jesus' face, if Jesus plays ball and tag with them, get the drift. She also has started praying that the dogs will be resurrected soon, so that they can come and live with us. I've had many discussions with her about the fact that it will be a very very very long time until that happens, but she still always adds at the end of her prayers that the dogs will be resurrected. I have to giggle at her endearment, but worry, of course, that she will be sorely let down. So, when I tuck her in at night, we have the same or similar discussion about "the body thing" or the resurrection (which she refers to it in her prayers) and then what the dogs are doing . I wish I knew!


Unknown said...

She is one smart cookie! Have you got the how are babies born question yet?!!! She is light years ahead of Cailey and Carter in her thoughts! Oh and I love your music on your blog too!

MiandMiksmom said...

I just think that is so sweet and so innocent! Thanks for sharing...and also, you are so PATIENT. I'd be going crazy with the same question over and over!

Natalie said...

I'm telling you, Kate, she gets cuter every day! She's so entertaining... keep posting her precious thoughts. It makes us happy!