Thursday, January 24, 2008

Height and Weight

Addyson's 15 month check-up was today, which I had scheduled after I dropped Syd off at school. BUT, Sydney woke up 4 times last night crying with bad ear pain, so she got to go with us to the doctor as well. You would think they would give you a two-for-one deal, but of course they can't do that. Well, since Addyson was getting her height and weight checked, Sydney wanted hers as well. I asked the doctor to give me percentiles for both the girls.
Addyson is 50% for height, but only 7% for weight. This floored me, as she totally has a "beer"belly!!! I made the doc check again, but it was true. 7% weight. I always call her my little butter-ball, but I guess I technically can't do that anymore. Oh well..... Now, for Sydney...she was off the charts for height. The doctor went to put a little dot on the "chart" for where she is and she put it way over the 100% line, but said, since she's off the charts, we'll just say she's in the 100% for height. ha ha. I knew she was tall, but goodness! They were both super terrific in the docs' office even though Addyson got her shots and Syd has an ear infection....again.
Well, after we got home, Addyson ate lunch and went down for a nap, and Sydney (who has refused to nap since 2 1/2 years old) laid down on the couch and watched Scooby-Doo. During that time, a friend of mine was coming over for lunch. She happens to be a caterer, so she wanted to bring lunch (which was obviously fine with me), but said she had a ton of it, so I invited my mom and my neighbor over too. I set the table all pretty w/ good china for a real southern ladies luncheon :). The food was fabulous. It was wierd having a catered luncheon at home just for the heck of it, but it was free and SOOOOOOO good. She even whipped up her own icecream for dessert. She makes everything from scratch and from fresh foods she buys from either Harry's or Trader Joes. I told her I felt like I needed to tip her afterwards. She just laughed and said we needed to do it again soon. I'm so lucky!
HOWEVER.....this goes with my "weight" in the title of this blog. I've gained almost 7 pounds of fat since Halloween. This is completely discouraging to me and I just feel yucky. I had been running, but after Thanksgiving, either I was sick or Addyson was sick or it was too cold. We don't have a treadmill or belong to a gym, so to jog, I need to do it outside while pushing Addyson, while Sydney's at school. So, if it's raining, snowing, too cold or Addyson's sick, we can't go. So, it's been awhile and I have to start all over. I'm just having a pity party for my butt and stomach who are now hidden under that evil gross yellow adipose tissue hiding in all of my favorite foods. How can chocolate treat me this way after I've paid so much attention to it? And I'm so forgiving that I keep going back for more even though I know it will just do this to me again! Love is blind.


Unknown said...

Give me a break! You are a stick Girl! I wish I had only 7lbs to loose! You would pass out if you knew how much I weighed!!!ha,ha I have been running on the treadmill for a couple weeks and counting calories...I have not made much progress on the scale though. You are welcome to come use my treadmill while the kids play and next time you have a catered lunch feel free to invite Me!!!

Jessi said...

I'm totally rolling my eyes right now. Oh, PLEASE! There are people out there who need to lose weight (you and I thankfully do not happen to be among them), and I've realized it is so insulting to them to hear us complain about our weight problems. Can you imagine having 20, 30, or 50 pounds to lose and hearing someone as THIN as you talk about needing to lose weight? Give them (and yourself!) a break. You're as skinny as a toothpick and I imagine your body needs that weight to be healthy. Just as it's not healthy to be too fat, it's also not healthy to be too thin.
I'll get off my soapbox now. Just a little tough love because I love ya!

also known as shell said...

Kate we should trade babysitting so we can go to the fitness center cause I am the same with you about the cold, kids sick, thing.