Thursday, January 17, 2008

Snow in Georgia!!!

After 4 1/2 years, it finally snowed again here in north Georgia! Sydney has been wanting to see snow "for real" since she was 2 years old, and yesterday, for the first time in her life, she got to see, taste, feel and play in real snow. She was so incredibly happy. But, I'm not sure who was happier....Travis, me or Sydney. Addyson thought it was quite fun her self and was toddling around all bundled up and giggling because she was running around outside and probably because she saw how excited Sydney was and knew that it was a special time. It started snowing before dinner-time and wasn't sticking to the ground, so I didn't think it would.....because it usually doesn't stick to the ground. But we hammed it up and ran around outside and played. Sydney said that it was like "taking a shower in the snow". Travis got home, so he played with the girls outside while I cooked dinner. During dinner we noticed that the snow WAS STICKING TO THE GROUND!!! We were all excited. We promised Sydney that in the morning we would build a snowman. So, we put the girls to bed. About 45 minutes later, however, Travis and I were regretting our move to wait to build a snowman in fear that the snow would melt before morning time. Travis anxiously asked me if it was okay if he woke Sydney up to go build a snowman. It was 9:00 by this time, but WHO CARES?? We were both so giddy while going upstairs to wake her up. Travis did the honors. At first she was too groggy from being woken up that she didn't know what Travis was saying, but as soon as it registered, she sat up quickly and said..."right NOW??!!" So, we bundled her up and went outside to build a snowman. She wanted to make sure we had a carrot for the nose, and all I could find for the eyes was some "crunch 'n munch" popcorn, so that worked. We put gloves, a scarf and a hat on it too. All of our hands were so numb, but we were all so giddy and having so much fun that it didn't really matter. Travis and I felt like kids again. As we were coming inside, Sydney was just laughing and said, "our snowman is so ugly!" and just started laughing even more. Travis and I thought it was a great snowman/woman, but it was so funny to hear Syd say that, so I just had a little laughing fit myself at that comment. Especially because I've never even heard her call anyone or anything ugly before. Sydney was so good and cute and went right to bed without stalling after building her first ever snowman. We were so glad that we acted irresponsibly and woke her up b/c sure enough, it started to rain, instead of snow and our snowman/woman had toppled over and begun to melt by morning.

It's a memory we will never forget. Having kids is soooooo much fun. It gives us adults excuses to act like kids again!
(And, yes, I had my camera on the wrong setting when I took the following pictures, and it was wet from the snow, so they aren't clear at all! boo hoo).


Natalie said...

You get the Fun Parents of the Year Award! Good for you guys. I let mine stay out to play in it too but should have gone out to play in it with them! I didn't know it had been so long since it snowed either. I missed my chance.. boo hoo. btw, your snowman is very cute but I love that Syd said that!

MiandMiksmom said...

Oh how fun it was! I am going to post about the same thing as soon as I can. I'm glad you had a blast! I was so happy I think my smile froze to my face!

youreprettytoo said...

How fun! The sad part for me is we get snow like every other day and my kids have yet to build a snow man this year! Although they did start to build a snow fort over the Christmas break, but it didn't get very far! I guess you don't appreciate what is always there! It is fun to read up on your cute family! We just need to get Kelly and Kjirsten to start blogs too!xoxoxo

Mimi said...

I loved reading about your snowman! You are such awesome parents - Syd will always remember that experience! We had snow here about 4 years ago on Christmas Eve and Max kept saying that Jesus made a Christmas miracle - it was so cute! Glad you had fun.

Anonymous said...

Great house and great pic of your house with the snow. So pretty :)