Saturday, January 19, 2008

Hubby Tag

Rachel Tagged me, and it's been fun! I tag Natalie, Jessi, Stacey and Stephanie!

What is his name? Travis Patrick Jarrard
How long have you been together? We have been married almost 6 years, but have been together almost 8 years.
How long did you date? We dated for 7 months before we got engaged, but were engaged for a year.
How old is he? 32
Who eats more? He does except during wrestling season, then he basically doesn't eat b/c he's so stressed!
Who said, "I love you" first? I did, but only because I knew he was already smitten in love with me and when I realized that I felt the same about him, I couldn't hold it in any longer!
Who is taller? He is by 5 1/2 inches
Who sings better? Me
Who is smarter? He is, but he is smarter than most everyone I know, and he isn't humble about it either.
Who does the laundry? Me...I won't let him touch my clothes (or his for that matter!). When I met him he had no idea that whites and colors don't go in the same load. He also didn't own an iron.
Who pays the bills? He does....thank goodness. I'm horrible with finances.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Me
Who mows the lawn? He does. He doesn't want me to, b/c he feels that it's his job, and I'm totally fine with that b/c I don't want to!
Who cooks dinner? Me except when we have chili
Who drives? He does, (but he drives like a grandpa too Rachel.) If it's a long trip, we'll switch off.
Who is more stubborn? He is. (which my family will find hard to believe)
Who kissed who first? He kissed me first.
Who asked who out first? Well, he'll say I did, but I asked him to "hang out with me and some friends", but he asked me out on a "date" first, even though it was to "have dinner" after a football game he was coaching and it ended up being me, Travis and 4 other football coaches at a bar and the kitchen had closed, so there was no food, and I was starving. But, I was happy to be with him and he felt bad, and he was so cute. The next date, however, I was playing with the radio and found "Glory of Love" and started blaring it and singing it, and when he started singing it with me, I realized that he was just the right mixture of goofy and cool for me, and I was digging his stuff. (note that I added that song on the "playlist").
Who proposed? He did....down on one knee and everything. I cried so hard and kept saying "i love you", that he told me I forgot to say yes.
Who is more sensitive? ME by far! He's a wrestling coach for goodness sakes. Sometimes I wonder if his tear ducts work....I'm beginning to doubt it. He doesn't understand why people cry. He is, however, very sweet and sensitive with me.
Who has more siblings? We both have one brother and one sister.
Who wears the pants? He does, but he makes me feel like I do.
This next one isn't on Rachel's list, but I thought I'd add it to mine.
Coincidences: The fact that the Madonna song "Crazy for You" has been my favorite song since I was 9 years old and that Travis's favorite movie (for about that long) is "Vision Quest" where Madonna actually made her film debut singing her song "Crazy for You".
Also, Travis and I were both recruited to work at North Forsyth Highschool the same year.....Coincidence.....I'll let you decide....but as for Travis and myself...we think a high-power had His hand in it.

Okay, Travis, I know you're going to read this, so i want to hear your comments on this too. :)


Rachel Hudgins said...

I want to hear Travis' comments too...did she get everything right? don't remember Jason's motorcycles? You were in GA for the summer when we rode them most of the time. Don't you remember him selling them so he could buy my ring? He was all secretive/sneaky and I was wondering where he kept disappearing too at night when we normally studied together?

Rachel Hudgins said...

BTW-loved reading this since I was not around during your courtship and just got a few tid-bits over the phone every once in a while. And my opinion is you two were TOTALLY made for eachother!!

MiandMiksmom said...

Hey, I tagged you on this too! This was fun to read...I didn't know most of this about you. I love "Crazy for You"'s our "theme" song and on our wedding video! I guess I shouldn't be suprised though...we have some weird same-music thing!

Jessi said...

This was fun to read! I LOVE hearing about people's relationships. :)

Unknown said...

The things we learn from blogging! I would be glad to take a picture of you 2 anytime. Scott and I rarely have a picture with both of us...actually there is rarely a picture I'm in! I love the pictures of your family on the blog. Heather does such a great job!