Saturday, February 2, 2008

Funny Jokes

Sydney has been telling me "jokes" lately and they just crack me up. They don't make any sense at all, but she just starts laughing right after telling them to me, that I crack up laughing and then she keeps telling them. Here are some examples of some that she just told me while I was tucking her in.

Q:"What do you get when you grow a butterfly and an elephant?" A: "Rhinoceros booty"
Q: "knock knock who's there?" A: "blizadizabiza"
Q: "what do you get when you grow a stomach with a shirt?" A: "an eyebrow"
Q: "What do you get when you grow a butterfly with a table?" A: "a bed"
Q: "What do you get when you have a butterfly and a flower?" A: "Rhinoceros doody" (yuck!)

And she continued on with that for about 5 minutes. I was laughing so hard that I couldn't stop her. I wish I could remember more, but they were so silly and didn't make any sense or the answers weren't real words, so I can't remember! Now, don't you just want to go tell your friends what great jokes you just learned? ha ha

She then told me that she missed her other great-grandma, "Grandfather's mom". I thought that was strange because my dad's mom, my grandma, died when Sydney was only 7 1/2 months old. I asked her if she remembered her and she said, "yes, and if she were here right now instead of in heaven she would say...'I miss you so much, sweetheart'." This kind of freaked me out a little because my grandma always called me and Sydney "sweetheart". So, for her to pick that word was a little interesting to me. I don't really think she remembers her, but it was still weird. She then wanted to tell me more jokes that she wants to tell her great-grandma up in heaven because her "other" great-grandma is very silly and likes silly jokes. So, then the jokes started again. Of course instead of taking 10 minutes to put her to bed, it was about 45 minutes. She has now found her new stall tactic! ugh! I'm such a sucker!! But it's fun.

Thanks to everyone who responded to my "who's reading this?" post. An apology goes out to my mother-in-law, Di, who reads the blog, but doesn't comment. Sorry Mom! Keep reading! I'm so glad that you do b/c it's mostly for you!!

love you all!!
ps- I want you guys to tell me a funny joke you like!

pps- Here is a shout out to my HOT husband.....GO RAIDERS!!! YOU ARE KICKING BOOTY & are AWESOME!!! You are the hottest coach I've every known and your coaching kicks some ars too!!! I love you honey, and I'm proud of you.


also known as shell said...

Kate I have no will power what so ever. So I'm with you there. I can't believe I'm on Day 6 already of this diet. I have lost weight but the best thing about it is that I'm getting away from bad foods and learning that I do have will power. If you want more info here are some google searches I did. Google: Master Cleanse, Master Cleanse Blog, Lemonade Diet

Rachel Hudgins said...

Knock Knock..
who's there?...
nobody who?...
Ethan is famous for knock knock jokes and only two make sense. The rest are like this...
Knock Knock
Who's there?
Tree who?
Tree flew up your nose and landed on an elephant...hahaha

also known as shell said...

Kate do you live in Fieldstone? I think you do right? So I was thinking we could switch babysitting and go to the fitness room at the clubhouse.

MiandMiksmom said...

Knock Knock?
Who's There?
Banana Who?
Knock Knock?
Who's there?
Banana who?
Knock Knock?
Who's there?
Banana who?
Knock knock?
Who's there?
Orange who?
Orange ya glad I didn't say banana again?????

Amelia taught me that, but then she tries to mix in kiwi and strawberries and whatever and it never quite works out.

I like Sydney's jokes better :)

Andrea said...

she's got me laughing!