Saturday, February 9, 2008

Romney's speech

After reading all of Mitt Romney's speech as he was announcing his departure from the campaign, I've decided to follow his advice and vote for McCain. I know this comes as a shock to all of you and to me as well. BUT the only way to protect our nation from the extremist Jihad is to have McCain instead of Obama or Hillary. They want to pull our troops out right away and leave us vulnerable to being bombed and killed in our own country. He has convinced me to vote as conservative as possible. McCain definitely won't do our economy any good, but at least he'll strive to keep terrorism at bay for another 4 years until Romney can be elected. If you're still shocked at my response, I urge you to read his speech to the end....all of it. It will depress you and even scare you, but it was good for me to ponder and I've made my decision (for tonight anyway). I'm always open-minded to changing my mind. I'm a woman...that's my perrogative.
Oh, Travis wanted me to let everyone know that I need to write in HIS name on the presidential ballot. So, if you want an extremely conservative person to vote for, then you can also write in Travis Jarrard for president. :) Love you honey.


also known as shell said...

hey ya! I changed my blog address to

also known as shell said...
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MiandMiksmom said...

Yes, I have come to the same agreement. At least Romeny will only have home-front clean up to do in 2012 and not the war. It's still frustrating though. Where can I find his speech?