Sydney only asked Santa for one thing this year and it was Baby Alive. Of course, she was a good girl and got the eating/pooping/peeing doll. She actually is very good at taking care of her, and is having a lot of fun with her. The doll, however, does entail work from me....making her food, helping change her diaper, cleaning her up, etc. Sydney helps, but mostly it's me.
Sydney decided that she was Baby Alive's mommy and that she needed a daddy. So, she asked Travis if he would be Baby Alive's daddy. He said he would be. So, today, after the doll eats, she poops, and Sydney is attempting to change her diaper when she starts saying how yucky and stinky the poopy diaper is (it really doesn't smell at all) and tells Travis that he needs to finish changing her diaper. Travis says, no, you need to finish doing it and Sydney immediately says...."you are baby-alive's daddy and you need to change her diaper. That's how it works". Of course I am so proud of my example setting! ha ha!!! So, Travis decides that he doesn't want to be baby-Alive's daddy anymore and I then suggest that Grayson be her daddy. Sydney says "mmmm, I guess that will work". Then after a few minutes she said "And if Grayson doesn't want to be Baby-Alive's daddy, then Gavin (Grayson's younger brother) can be because he is so good to me." How old is she??? It's not over yet. After thinking for a bit, she then says, Gavin is little, though, so maybe big Aidan (Kudlas) can be Baby-Alive's daddy". So funny. The only thing he has to do is change the poopy diapers. ha ha. Good luck with that one Sydney. :) Actually, she's learned from Travis that daddy's change the poopy diapers when they are home from work. I'm a good teacher. :)
Friday, December 28, 2007
Baby Alive
Posted by Kate at 4:07 PM 2 comments
Saturday, December 22, 2007
The Cast/ Mary and Joseph
My friend, Andrea, and I started a new tradition with our families. This year, however, it consisted of all her family and just me and Sydney. Travis was coaching and Addyson was sick, so my parents were watching her. We've exchanged gifts the past 3 years and have had our kids take pictures with Santa together, but we wanted to add something else. So, I came up with an idea that has been a tradition in my family for as long as I can remember. We had dinner and then we read the Nativity story out of John and Matthew and "acted" it out. Sydney was very excited about it and wanted to be Mary, which was fine. She also wanted Grayson to be Joseph, Miss Andrea to be the angel and of all things...she wanted me to be the donkey. I guess I know how she feels about me!! ha ha. It ended up being Sydney as Mary, Aaron (15 years old) was Joseph b/c Grayson wanted to be the star, Andrea was the angel, Edward (Andrea's husband) was a king, Jordyn (12) was a Shepard, Gavin (2) was a Shepard, Alayna (7 months) was baby Jesus and I was the narrator. It was fun, but I was a little unprepared, as it was kind of last minute. We plan on doing it every year and hopefully I'll be a little more prepared. We then took pictures then opened gifts. It was a great start to a great tradition I think. Oh, we also sang Happy Birthday to Jesus. It was Edward's idea and I thought it was great b/c the kids loved it, and it helped them remember why we even give gifts at Christmas.
Grayson and Sydney opening presents. Giving Grayson a big squeeze.
Posted by Kate at 3:28 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
So, I've been trying my experiment of saying Merry Christmas to everyone (cashiers, bank teller, sales people, etc.) and it's been GREAT. EVERYONE has been a little surprised when I said it, but gave me a big smile back and has said "Merry Christmas to you" back to me. So, unlike my friend Andrea, my response has been nothing but positive, so I'm looking forward to wishing as many people a Merry Christmas as I can before the big day comes. I'll just have to be reminded to take it off of my blog title when Christmas is over!!
Posted by Kate at 12:24 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
So, Stacy challenged us to do this test. I'm always the same.....from when I first took this test at 22 and now at 32. I think that's pretty cool actually. I wonder what you guys think of my description....accurate to you or not? Let me know and take the test yourself and let me know! I never thought of myself as bossy and inappropriate and....loud? Yes, I know that I'm loud sometimes, but after reading this, I thought about it and can see how people may think my sarcasm and tendency to joke about things may be inappropriate, but I hope not! Sydney thinks I'm a princess, though, so that's what matters most, right? (check out the previous blog).
You Are An ENFJ |
![]() You strive to maintain harmony in relationships, and usually succeed. Articulate and enthusiastic, you are good at making personal connections. Sometimes you idealize relationships too much - and end up being let down. You find the most energy and comfort in social situations ... where you shine. In love, you are very protective and supporting. However, you do need to "feel special" - and it's quite easy for you to get jealous. At work, you are a natural leader. You can help people discover their greatest potential. You would make a good writer, human resources director, or psychologist. How you see yourself: Trusting, idealistic, and expressive When other people don't get you, they see you as: Bossy, inappropriate, and loud |
Posted by Kate at 9:47 PM 3 comments
My Mom was right!
Posted by Kate at 2:08 PM 1 comments
Thursday, December 6, 2007
What is he DOING???
While I'm driving with the two girls in the back, Sydney watching a movie with her headphones on, and she suddenly says "Moooooommmmmm....What is Jesus DOING up there???!!!" At first I thought she must of seen a picture of him on something or a nativity scene on someone's lawn and I just answer....
me:"Up where, honey?"
Syd "Up THERE!"...
Me: "Did you see him on a picture or something?",
Syd: "NO MOM, What is He doing up THERE?"...
Me: "in the sky?",
Me: "in Heaven?",
Syd: "Yes! What is Jesus DOING up there?
It was so cute!! The only problem...I'm trying to explain to her that He's "working" by listening to our prayers and making sure the earth and sun and moon are working, etc. WHILE she's watching her movie. She thought it was very interesting that Jesus was working and wondered if He was working like Daddy was working. It was a great question and it was fun answering it. So, if anyone is reading this, I'd love to hear what you might say to a 3 year old who asked you the same question. Maybe help me out a little when it comes up again. :)
Posted by Kate at 9:34 PM 2 comments
I survived the food poisoning, then Syd got an ear infection and Addyson got Scarlett fever. We are all fine now, and thanks to the powers that be, Travis didn't get sick. It's amazing to me how kids just keep on going when they are sick. They go until they literally can't stand up anymore and then just collapse. How is it that when we get older our pain seems to affect us more? Don't get me wrong, my girls were tired and a little cranky, but for the most part, they wanted to jump around and play until their bodies just couldn't take it anymore. I guess they are preparing early for motherhood. :)
The holidays, despite the illnesses, have been wonderful so far. Halloween was a blast, as usual, and Thanksgiving was wonderful with my brother and his family here to visit. Sydney has loved decorating for Christmas and singing Christmas songs at the top of her lungs. She's been wanting to watch the movie "Santa Claus" (with Tim Allen) while we're in the car. I haven't seen this movie in years and can't remember details, so I'm at a loss when she asks me questions about it....I really need to sit down and watch it. I say this because at dinner last night she asked me if Santa was a psychiatrist. I was like....huh??? Where in the world did she hear that??? I then thought of the movie...of course. "No, honey, Santa's not a psychiatrist...that's a really good word, though, and you pronounce it so well, why do you ask?" ...I say this as I'm trying not to laugh at her cuteness. She explains the part in the movie to me, and then we're fine. But I know as a three year old I didn't have a clue what the word psychiatrist meant and I probably hadn't ever even heard that word before. Funny how things change. She also asked me if Santa was going to fall off our roof like Santa in the movie did. Why am a letting her watch this again? When we are at home, all she wants to watch is ScoobyDoo, and she's not scared of it yet. I hope that she never is, but it looks so scary to me (as a mom looking out for her kids). So many green ghosts, mummies and monsters. I guess the recorded laughter on it makes it all better. :)
More on the holidays....I just love Christmas....the decor, the music, the presents, Santa, the TV's just so fun. It's interesting being a mommy now of a child who is VERY inquisitive of Santa and all that he can do and what he'll do and how he does it and how he'll know we won't be at home for Christmas and if I'll move the candles I have in the fireplace so Santa won't break them when he comes down the chimney and if he'll like our decorations and if he'll bring her "Baby Alive" (which she sings the little tune every time she says it). So many questions that I have to think of answers to and remember the answers I told her. I'm trying to get her to focus on the fact that Christmas is Jesus' birthday and it's really just a big birthday party for Him, and that's what's most important......and she does talk about that that....a little bit. But, of course, Santa wins out when you are 3. I somehow feel like I need to do a better job of explaining.
On a more downer note....what's the freaking problem with saying Merry Christmas now? I gag at anything PC, anyway, and now "Happy Holidays" is the PC thing to say??? Well, screw that! My friend, Andrea, went around this morning making it a point to say Merry Christmas to everyone while she was running errands. She went quite a few places and only ONE person said Merry Christmas back to her. Only ONE! What's that about? I think I'll start saying Merry Christmas to everyone even when it's not Christmas.....Okay, no I won't, but I'm going to try and make it a point to say Merry Christmas to people I see. I'll start today.
Posted by Kate at 12:07 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Thanksgiving went so well and then......BOOM/CRASH/BLAM! I got food poisoning from leftover turkey. It was lovely. I was so incredibly sick. Never been quite that sick in quite that way. WARNING>>>>>if you gross out easy, stop reading. Since there are no rules for blogs about potty talk, then I'll write about how sick I really was...okay, so I'm not that laid back to write details, but let's just say my body was emptying itself from both ends at the same time for almost 6 hours straight. I was literally in the bathroom, on the toilet and barfing in the trashcan for almost 6 hours straight. I also had the sweats/chills/sweats, etc. so much that I had to change my pajamas 3 times because of it and I ended up taking a shower at 3:00am b/c of my utter disgustingness (is that even a word? if not, it should be). After every possible food/liquid was forced out of my body, I slept for the next 18 hours....or tried to. Travis was WONDERFUL and took care of the girls and actually kept them out of the room for most of the day. Thank goodness it was Sunday and he was off work. Being so nauseated just made me depressed because it reminded me of what I feel like when I'm pregnant, and we want to have one more sometime in the next 2 years. Then to top it off, Sydney started getting sick with a fever which turned into an ear infection. I was feeling much better the next day, though, (still queezy, but not bad), so I was able to be a mom again instead of a yucky zombie. So, we get her meds and then, Addyson wakes up with the shakes from a very high fever. I call the doctor and they just say to give her motrin and monitor it for 24 hours. I'm praying she'll be better in the morning. Now all we need to Travis to get sick before his class on Saturday and during wrestling season...wouldn't that be lovely???
But on to better things.....I have to shout out to my bestest bud Andrea. (Can you shout out to people on blogs?). She's feeling left out of my blog because we talk everyday at least twice, but we hardly ever see each other, and I haven't written about her. I'm feeling awful about it. Just want her to know that she is muy importante and I love her more than enough to talk about her in my blog. Andrea, you're a rock star!!!! Even though you thought I was calling you a "freaking idiot" on the phone when I was really yelling at that driver that blocked the intersection.
Changing direction again.....What would Christmas be without the decor that goes along with it? Sydney seems to think that we don't have enough Christmas decor and has become my little "boss" on how to decorate. Little does she know that her "Annie" (my mom) goes way overboard on holiday decorations (which is a great thing b/c her house is just so magical on holidays) and I could never ever catch up to that, even though it would be's just impossible. So, I've got my little one pestering me to put lights on the outside of our house, and being persuaded to do this (I have had little sleep mind you) I actually bought lights to go on the outside of our house. Now, there is no one to put these up. Travis is at wrestling practically 24/7 and I have NO IDEA how to do this or have the coordination to climb a ladder and hang lights on our house! So, why in holy heck did I purchase these? Now I have to either hang them up or sorely disappoint my little 3 year old. UGH!
It's late....I've gotta go to bed.
Posted by Kate at 11:38 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving
Sydney was a pilgrim in her school "re-inactment", and after school she insisted on still wearing her "pilgrim bonnet" all over town. So cute. I made some cute turkey cookies for her class as well, b/c Syd was the star-student. I'm learning to be crafty, so I was proud of myself. :)

Wrestling Season for Travis officially began for me last Saturday. I'm officially a wrestling widow until March! Yes, March, the GHSA or some organization made the season two weeks longer. Hurray....that's me being sarcastic. Don't get me wrong...I LOVE that Travis coaches wrestling because he loves it and it makes him so happy and he thrives on the competition, etc., and he's a top notch coach. I just miss him because I really only get to see him for about 2 hours or less each day except on Sundays and the girls only get to see him on Sundays. But, he's home every night, he loves it, he's happy and it pays the bills, so I really can't complain. He's like a kid in a candy store this year because, first, he has awesome assistant coaches and second, he has a ton of young kids with a ton of potential. It's so great to see him so excited about wrestling again.
Thanksgiving is tomorrow and I'm sooooo thankful for my husband and family, my friends, for this wonderful nation we live in and for my Saviour Jesus Christ and for the knowledge that I have of Him and what He has done for me and for mankind. I don't know how I would be able to exist with joy without the knowledge that I have and am so thankful that I have wonderful parents who taught me to know Him and love Him. There are so many things that I'm thankful for that I just don't have the finger strength to type them out! I am truly blessed.
Posted by Kate at 4:20 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
So, Halloween was fun this year, as usual. The girls were ADORABLE in their little outfits. Addyson was a ladybug and Sydney was Supergirl. Her friend, Grayson, calls her Supergirl b/c he's either Spiderman or Superman, so that's the costume that she chose. She loves being Supergirl and likes to yell..."Supergirl to SAVE the DAY!!!" and then pretend to fly around. Addyson liked her ladybug costume, but was a little annoyed by the wings! One of Sydney's boyfriends, Aidan, and his family trick-or-treated with us this year. Last week when we were at his house and, he announced to everyone that he was going to marry Sydney.

Posted by Kate at 5:39 PM 1 comments
five things
So, I got this idea from Kari C., looked like fun, so here goes.....
5 things I was doing 10 years ago: going to Grad School at University of Utah, bar hopping, driving my turquoise blue Saturn around, dating, Partying with my friend Mali
5 snacks I enjoy: Chocolate anything (since it's right after Halloween...twix and kit kats are my fav at the moment), wheat thins, animal cookies with icing, chex mix
5 songs I know the lyrics to: Only five??? All the songs on my Ipod, but I'll try to narrow it down to the first ones I usually listen to while jogging...Paul Revere (Beastie boys), The Adventure (Angels and Airwaves), Black Parade (My Chemical Romance), Sweet Emotion (Aerosmith), Jealousy (the Killers)
5things I would do if I were a millionaire: Make a big college fund for my girls, hire a housekeeper and someone to do my laundry, travel travel travel, have a little plastic surgery (a boob job would be nice), Put most in savings and live off the interest, Do whatever I darn well please! (i can think of sooooo many more than 5 things)
5bad habits: Going to bed too late, not budgeting my time, buying stuff online, picking my face, biting my lip
5 things I'd never wear again: big bangs, pleated pants, ugly tent-like maternity clothes, my hair short in a bob (looks gosh-awful on me), bikini...too many "love" marks on my belly from giving birth
5 favorite toys: Travis (ooh-la-la), ipod, computer, camera, craigslist
Natalie...tag you're it.
Posted by Kate at 2:59 PM 1 comments
Friday, November 2, 2007
a little update
Posted by Kate at 7:13 PM 1 comments
Sunday, October 28, 2007
So, I haven't posted in a while because we've been moving. Thank you to Rachel Hudgins, who helped me pick out my wall colors for our dining, kitchen, powder, family and girls' rooms. It looks fabulous! So, we moved all of our stuff on the 20th and then my mother-in-law, Di, her sister, Crazy Aunt Barb and my brother-in-law, Cody, came to visit on the 22nd. I was a little stressed after the move.....i lost my cool on a few of the wrestlers Travis had moving our stuff and had to apologize! eek. Oh they know why Travis is so tough...he has me for a wife. ha ha. So, being still stressed because our house wasn't' in order, I naturally wanted it to be for my mother-in-law, despite telling Travis I wasn't stressed. BUT, since his mom is so laid back it ended up being just fine.....especially when my friend Natalie and mom came and helped me put stuff away. They literally saved my sanity. While my Mom-in-law was here we went out to eat one night and Sydney was going to have a grilled cheese sandwich and she was so excited about it. She asked her Uncle Cody if he was going to have a grilled cheese sandwich too and he said, no, so she asked him if he was going to have a "boy"-cheese sandwich. It was so cute! We all just laughed. I don't think she liked us laughing at her, but I explained that we were laughing because she was so cute. Addyson has taken a few steps, but still prefers crawling at this point. It's so much faster for her. She loves our stairs too and I'm constantly chasing after her. We can't find a gate to fit our stairway....ugh.
We celebrated her 1st birthday when Di, Barb and Cody were here. She was so cute and loved the cupcake she got to eat. She just laughed and laughed. She now is in the 25% for weight and has advanced to the "slightly over 50%" for height. She's small, but not as small as Sydney was at this age.
More pictures to come....I'm at my mom's computer and don't have time to update pictures here.
Posted by Kate at 5:44 PM 2 comments
Friday, October 12, 2007
Funny Girls
Sydney says the funniest things sometimes. I lost my voice due to a cold and the first day it was just really scratchy. I guess that sounds like her pre-school teacher, Miss Kitter, b/c she told me that I sounded like Miss Kitter then asked if I was pretending to be Miss Kitter. I explained to her that I was sick, etc., but the entire day whenever I would ask her to do something she would smile a huge smile and say "yes, Miss Kitter". Then I completely lost my voice and had to whisper the next day. That was lovely. Sydney asked why I was whispering and I told her that I lost my voice. She asked "Where did it go? Do you want me to help you look for it?". I, of course had to chuckle and then explained to her that it wasn't really lost,etc. She thought it was really cool, though, so she had to tell everyone at T-ball practice including the coach. They just looked at her like, "What are you trying to tell me??".
New story...last week Sydney couldn't go to school one day b/c she had had diarrhea the night before. The next Tuesday when she returned to school the first thing she said to the teacher when she got Sydney out of the car is "I don't have diarrhea anymore!", so I thought that was fine....but today.... three days later at gymnastics when Sydney got there, she proudly announced to everyone there that she didn't have diarrhea. Her coach just gave her a thumbs up.
And this is how 3 year old minds think......So, all of my parents' grandkids have always called them Annie and Poppy b/c Liam was the first and that's what he called them. Well, Sydney also calls her other grandparents G's and Pops. I had no idea until last Christmas that Sydney didn't think she had a grandma and grandpa (b/c she has two sets) until an older man came over and she asked him if he was a grandpa and she sat on his lap the entire night and told everyone that he was a REAL GRANDPA! I explained to her that she had two grandpas and two grandmas and she was thrilled! Well, that was months ago....almost a year ago, but out of the blue, Sydney started calling my parents Grandfather and Grandma. Not Grandpa, Grandfather. So funny. She insists we all call them that....we can't call them Annie and Poppy. Even in family prayer at night when I'm asking for blessings for Annie and Poppy, she'll correct me by, no, Grandma and Grandfather. My grandmother, who we call Memama, and who Sydney has always called 'MaBear" is now great-grandmother. We have to call her that too. Of course, she can't hear very well, so she doesn't understand this at all, so Sydney gets frustrated sometimes when she calls herself Memama instead of Great-grandmother.
Addyson has become my mountain climber......and she's very fast at it. I can't keep her off the kitchen table or shelves or beds or whatever she can pull a chair up to and climb up on. I can't leave her for a second and it's proving to be very challenging. As soon as I look at her she starts shaking her head back and forth (for no) b/c she knows I'm going to say "no, no". It's a game now. She'll climb up on the chair and stand up on it, and then wait for me to look at her, then she'll shake her head. I'll say "no, no, Addyson, sit down", and she'll sit down and laugh, then she'll stand up again, look at me and shake her head. I can't help but laugh, but I know it's just perpetuating the situation. Whenever she does something she knows she's not supposed to do, she'll start shaking her head for "no", but, she still does it anyway and screams bloody murder when I remove her from the dangerous situation.
She also likes to shake her head up and down for yes and finds this very funny. She's also VERY tough and can take Sydney's "tackle-hugs", wrestling holds and even thinks it's funny when Sydney picks her up and starts running with her. Mommy, however, finds this quite scary, especially on the hardwood floors or the tile.
Gotta run for now...Addyson calls!
Posted by Kate at 11:36 AM 1 comments
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Posted by Kate at 8:45 PM 1 comments
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Random Thoughts
Posted by Kate at 10:47 AM 1 comments
Monday, October 1, 2007

Posted by Kate at 5:01 PM 1 comments
Monday, September 24, 2007
Just Bloggin'
Sydney, "Big Buddy" (the Governor), Travis, Addyson, Kate
Aidan (the red head) and Syd flying through the air. Super Girl!
Addyson and Daddy...she's our water-bug.
Jake Perdue and Aidan Kudlas with Sydney
Posted by Kate at 4:26 PM 2 comments
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Zoo Flashback
Posted by Kate at 9:45 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Posted by Kate at 9:49 PM 3 comments